Chapter 1 Trouble

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Y/n's pov

You had just gotten off work and it had gotten dark. Your boss offered to drive you home, but you weren't comfortable with that. For some reason you liked the Night and thought it was calming. You had always liked the Moon in the dark sky for as long as you can remember. But this night you weren't calm, you felt as though someone was following or tailing you. The streets were empty except for one lone car that was parked just upahead in an alley. You gulped getting a bad feeling that you had to turn back and get in your bosses car, but ya didn't! You slowly walked towards the car and the Alley. As soon as you walked up to the Alley, four guys got out of the car. 'Yup I'm gonna die.' You thought with a straight face, but on the inside your face was scared.

"Hey Girly, whats your name?" One of the guys asked in a New Jersey accent. (This ain't Jersey!!) You weren't really comfortable saying your name so you said your middle name instead.

"Lynn." You said trying to stay calm. 'Please someone save me, I don't care who you are just save me!' You thought. And just as you thought that someone did rescue you. They beat up the men quickly before you could even blink.

"OMG thanks for saving me! I was so scared!" You said thankful that your thoughts were answered.

"You didn't look it." Your savior said with a light chuckle.

"You're right, but I was scared on the inside." You said smiling at what you thought was a boy maybe about your age or maybe a bit younger by the way he sounds.

You were 16 years old, about to turn 17 in a few weeks. It was a big deal in the family for some reason and you wouldn't miss it for the world. For some reason you wanted to see what your savior looked like.

"May I see you?" You asked him in a soft voice.

"I don't know, I look a bit different than you..." He said sounding a bit unsure.

"Pfft come on! I won't judge or push you away. You saved me after all." You said.

"Ok.. Just don't scream." He said.

"Alright." You said nodding. 'Why would I scream?' You thought confused for a bit until he stepped into the light. And of course you screamed... He sighed and facepalmed.

"Sorry.." You said nervously.

"It's okay it's only natural." He said sounding a bit sad.

"It's not that bad... The second time." You said looking at him again back to front, front to back.

"I hope that's a good thing..." He said. You laughed.

"It is." You said.

"LEOOOOOOOO~" A high pitched voice yelled sounding like it came from above. (Mikey: Heyyyy my voice isn't that high pitched!!) (Me: Sorry Mikey!) (Mikey: It's okay!)

"Looks like that's my cue to leave!" He said before doing a backflip up onto the roof.

"Hey will I see you again?" You asked before he was out of earshot.

"Maybe.." He said before leaving out of earshot.

'So his name is Leo?' You thought. You started to walk home humming to yourself happily.

To be continued...

Hope y'all like it...

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