2.10 - mutants can't sing

Start from the beginning

It was kind of weird, but you just didn't want to smell bad for Shuichi. You nervously adjusted your top, pulling it up and then pulling it down. Which way looked better? Should you choose a different top? Or is it your bra that's making you look weird? Or have you been staring at yourself for too long and distorting your own perception of yourself?

Fuck, this shit is hard.

It's not like it's a date though.

Or is it?

You acted this way when you first hung out with Kosei too. It's almost concerning how you see every friendly hangout as a date.

You slipped on your shoes. Miruko sternly crossed her strong arms. "What time are you coming back from your date?" she asked. When did she wake up?

"I don't know... 9 maybe?"

"Stay safe. You'll be able to defend yourself, right? Just in case he's a creep?"

"Of course! I've known him for a while, so I don't think he would do anything like that though." Well, you've actually only known him for a few months, but "past you" knew him for years, and from your chats, you could tell there was a lot of trust between you.

"You never know."


The sea of people split around you, as if they were a school of fish. You were waiting for Shuichi in front of the karaoke parlor. You don't know what he looks like. At all. He was a bit standoffish about that part. You only knew he had hot pink hair. Yes, that was the only detail he told you – but it helped. Even in this world of superhuman genetics, hot pink is a rare hair color.

It was around 7:41 PM now and the sky was starting to turn lovely shades of pink and orange. 'Where is he?' you wondered, starting to feel awkward loitering in front of the building. The two of you had agreed to meet at 7:00. You arrived at 6:46. You crossed your arms under your chest, clearly upset that he was nearly an hour late. It was getting a little chilly, even though it was May.

You went back to scrolling on your phone to pass the time.

"Hey." You looked up. An older man stood in front of you, an unreadable expression on his face. Your pale antennae were on high alert, erected on your head. This guy was not good news, you could sense it. "What's a fine girl like you doing here?"

"Waiting for a friend," you hesitantly replied, pushing yourself off of the brick wall you were leaning against and standing up straight to display your full height. You were taller than him. By quite a lot actually. But his audacity seemed to shield him from your daunting height. "My boyfriend," you quickly clarified (though it was a lie), hoping he would get the hint and back off.

"Must be a shitty boyfriend to leave you here all alone," he growled sleazily, pervertedly eyeing you up and down. "Ya know, I sorta have a thing for mutants like you. I think it's hot..."

You uncomfortably hugged yourself, covering all of your exposed skin. Is this guy being for real? What a strange thing to say to someone... You can't really do anything, because he hasn't really done anything yet. You decide to wait for it to get physical so you could punch him in the face or crush his balls. "Okay," you simply said, an uneasy grimace on your lips.

"Learn to take a compliment," he hissed. You resisted the urge to punch him. "You're lucky there's even people like me willing to go for mutants-"

"Get away from my... g- girlfriend, you fucking freak."

Your eyes flickered over to your savior, a grateful sheen on your dark irises. The reptilian young man had green scales for skin and his face stretched into that similar to a lizard. His hot pink hair, which was on the longer side, fell softly over his large but beady pink eyes. His appearance was a bit shocking, but you quickly moved on from it. Your eyes bounced back to his hair – his hot pink hair. A hopeful smile made its way onto your face. You understood why he was called LizardWizard78_YT now.

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