Chapter II

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Iris pov:

I awoke with a start. I could hear fighting not too far away from me. "Ember! Rayla!" I panicked as I got up and realised the only reason I had awoke was the arrow poking at my finger. As I ran I could hear familiar voices. Soren and Claudia! I realised. When I was far enough away to not be seen but, able to see the fight I watched as Soren raised his sword to Ember who was covered head to toe in mud while her blades where discarded near me on the ground while Raylas blades where in mud that looked to be heated up while Rayla also stood in it.

"This is revenge for what you did to Iris?!" I heard Soren say as he went to slash Ember with his sword. Without thinking I ran forward after grabbing Embers blades and just before Soren blade hit Ember I had blocked it. I was on one knee while I quickly jabbed Soren backwards and away from Ember and Rayla. I had caught sight of Claudia but, she seemed weaponless currently. "Iris!?" Soren and Claudia exclaimed as I continued dueling Soren and after a moment his sword was in my hands and I held one of Embers to his neck. My face had a cold look to it and knew it. I didn't quite know where this pent up rage had come from but, it had a good jar full.

Suddenly Soren kicked me sending Embers blades and Sorens sword out of my hands and over to him while I went backwards. Quite far backwards actually as I was now again infront of Ember. Claudia suddenly pulled me away as Rayla kicked mud at Sorens while Ember grabbed Raylas still burning hot blades and pointed one at Claudia and one one at Soren while Soren held his sword to strike at my two elven friends again. "Stop!" I suddenly spotted Callum running towards us as he shouted. "Callum?" Claudia question. "Don't fight each other! You're not enemies! Especially you two!" Callum said as he pointed at me and Soren.

"You're friends tried to kill us!" Rayla and Ember protested. "They kidnapped you!" Claudia announced. "Threw mud at my face and some got in my mouth!" Soren also added as he spat some mud out of his mouth. "Okay! Okay! Knock it off a second!" Callum told us. "Just let... Iris explain!" Callum suddenly pointed to me as I was still technically being held by my sleeve by Claudia. "Hey! You do it!" I protested to which luckily Callum gave in and did so. "First of all, Claudia and Soren, I don't know what you're doing here but I'm really glad to see you." Callum told the two siblings as I finally got out of Claudias hold and went to help Ember up.

"Are you kidding!" Rayla exclaimed. "They attacked us! How can you be glad!? If Iris hadn't-" Ember started shouting aswell. "Hubabububub, they're two of our oldest friends and we are glad to see them." Callum told both of our elven friends as he motioned to himself and me. "But not, trying to murder my new friends Rayla and Ember who happen to be-" Callum continued before Soren cutt him off. "They're elves!" Soren exclaimed which made me remember my markings. Quickly I smothered some mud on my cheeks to hopefully conceal them. "But they're good elves." Callum reasoned with Soren. "What do you mean 'but a good elf'?" Rayla mimicked Callum. "Callum! Elves are innocent until proven guilty!" I also argued with him. It may not have been the best argument but, it was something.

"They kidnapped you, Prince Ezrin and Iris! How can they be good?!" Claudia argued her point of view. "Hey!" Ember exclaimed in anger as she started walk towards Claudia before I pulled her back. "There was no kidnapping. We went with them by choice. Plus, Iris wasn't going to let us go on an adventure without her. Even if she was injured." Callum explained. "Hey! When did I need to be brought up in that conversation?!" I asked my cousin. "Listen, it's late. Let's all just get some rest and cool of." Cal told us as he helped Rayla out of the mud. "If in the morning I can't convince you that we're all on the same side here, you can fight each other then. Agreed?" my cousin asked us. "Fine." Rayla mutterd. "Fine." Claudia also agreed. "Whatever." Soren agreed as he sheefed his sword. "Whatever." Ember also agreed with a shrug.

"Iris?" Callum asked me as the others also turned to me. "No, nu uh. I'm not fighting in the morning." I announced. "Guess we'll kill you in the morning." Soren threatened as he took a step forward towards Ember and Rayla but, I and Callum motioned him back while also leading Claudia away aswell. "That's more like it. I'll show you where you can stay tonight." Callum told them as I walked alongside Ember just behind the three while Rayla trailed behind us.

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