Chapter IV

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Iris pov:

While we where walking through the woods, myself limping. I noticed Rayla look up and something fall from her wrist. I didn't pry but it did leave a bad feeling in my stomach.

"We should rest soon, Iris is badly hurt and it's a long trip to Xadia." she told us. "I don't think I can walk much longer. My leg and arm feel numb beyond recognition." I quietly muttered.

Later, we decided to camp out near a clear opening in the woods. I leaned on a tree while Ezrin and Callum layed sleeping on the grass. "You feeling any better?" a voice said from above me. "Yes Ember, I am. Thankyou for helping me." I said looking up to meet her blue eyes. Wait blue? "Your a sunfire Elf and yet you have blue eyes. That's rare isn't it? I chuckled." And you have purple ones, like a Moonshadow Elf. " she retorted back to me.

I only smiled and took a picture from my bag." Is that your mother? You look kinda different except the hair and nose." she told me while dropping down and sitting beside me. "She's not my birth mother, I'm adopted. I never got the complete story but what I do know is that she found me at an Elven camp that had been destroyed. She gave me my name because-, "

"Your eyes?" she finished.

"Yes, my eyes. I haven't seen her since my aunt died though. Sometimes I think she kind of forgets about me. I- sorry I don't even know why I'm telling you this." I muttered trying not be too loud. "Me either but it's nice. I was raised in a Moonshadow colonie but I can still go to the Sunfire Elves kingdom if I want." she told me trying to make me feel better, I think.

I quietly scanned the area, Callum, Ez where asleep and no sign of Rayla and Bait." You hungry? " I asked Ember pulling out two jelly tarts from my bag." what are those? " she asked me eyeing them skepticaly. "It's a jelly tart silly! Me, Ezrin and Bait love these cause we all got a sweet tooth. Here, try one." I held one of them out to her as I took a bite out of mine. She slowly held it up to her mouth and watched me swallow the bite of mine, I had and finally took a bite of hers.

Her face lit up," This is delicious!" she said suddenly with a.... mouth full of the dessert but quickly finished it off in a couple bites.

"Unbind yourself! Unbind thyself! Unbindo!"

"What's Rayla doing?" I asked the Elf next to me who looked into the woods equally confused. " I don't know, but I'll check it out." she told me while standing up. "The jelly's all around your mouth~" I sang before chuckles escaped my mouth. Ember flushed before wiping it away and walking towards Raylas voice. I felt kind of sleepy afterwards so I shut my eyes falling to sleep.

Embers pov:

"Rayls, what you doing?" I questioned my friend. "This stupid thing won't come off unless... unless the prince dies." she told me in her Scottish accent. I only placed my hand on her shoulder and told her the hard truth even if she knew it already. "Rayla you bound yourself. It's not coming off... eventually it will but you'll loose your hand."

"I know," was muttered from her mouth. "What you doing up? And there's moon berry juice around your mouth... well it kinda looks like moon berry juice?" she questioned. "Iris gave me something called a jelly tart, it was actually really good." I answered.

"Okay, but how's she doing with those dark magic wolf bites?" she asked with a look of slight sympathy. A sigh came from my mouth before answering her, "She says she's okay but they still look pretty bad. I think I might give her my healing berry."

"Ember, are you sure about that, she's still a human who carries weapons!?" Raylla shouted at me. "Look Rayls, I know that she is but she never attacked us once at the castle and she got those bites from trying to protect us." I reasoned with my best friend. "I know it's risky even thinking about trusting her but she really doesn't seem to want to harm us"

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