Chapter VII

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Callums pov:

As it had started to get dark and become colder with now the heavy snow coming down we had decided to camp out in a cave nearby. Ember was setting up the fire while I wrapped Ezrin and Iris up tight in blankets. "Do you know how or why Iris has got those markings under her eyes?" Ember asked me suddenly. "To be honest, no. I didn't even know she wore make up." I admitted as I looked to the said girl who was still asleep while Ezrin only lay, staring at the roof of the cave.

I sat down on a rocky ledge and pulled out my sketch book the king had given me. This situation had made me think of my mum which led me to subconsciously draw her. Ezrin was slightly moving in the blankets which made me and Ember look to him. "Ez, you should really try and sleep." I adviced but when Ezrin tried to reply he only sneezed and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "I'm fine." Ezrin muttered in a raspy voice before grabbing the blankets around him and getting up. "Your not fine. You need rest." I told him again and went back to sketching.

"What are you drawing?" Ezrin questioned me as now Ember had joined him next to me. "Oh..." Ez muttered once he saw her. Ember gave me a look of sympathy before sitting down with me. "When you and Iris where down there under the ice, I was so scared.... I thought we where going to loose you both like we lost her." I admitted to Ezrin as I again looked down at my drawing. "But somehow you both made it, and now I can't stop thinking... Maybe she was watching over us." I smiled as I watched Ember go over to Iris and sit next to her while slowly moving her closer to the fire and herself to try and keep her warm.

"If she knew what we where trying to do she'd be proud of us." I told Ezrin before deciding to share a small joke with him. "And... She would yell at you, to go sit closer to the fire and bundle up." I empaphised my point in my voice as I remembered the time both me and Iris got sick and we kept doing exactly not what she told us to do. "I know..." Ezrin told me in his stuffed up tone and went over to the sleeping Iris and Ember and started getting closer to the fire.

I smiled before I was about to continue drawing before I heard footsteps behind me which I knew was Rayla. "She's beautiful. She's your mother?" Rayla smiled at my drawing which made me think about memories with her. "Yeah." I muttered in a hushed tone as now it became awkward between the two of us. "I found some moonberrys, " Rayla said while putting a small cloth of them on the floor. Ember was also tossed another peice of the same clothe to which she opened and stuffed two berries in her pouch which looked different to the others and then started munching on a few.

"This should keep us full, for a day. And I found these for you." Rayla said as she pulled two berries that looked like the ones Ember had stashed in her pouch just a moment ago. "Bogey berries! Ancient Xadia cure for the common sniffles." Rayla told Ezrin who had his checked slightly stuffed with moon berries. He reached out and was about to add him to the others in his mouth before Rayla stopped him.

"Um nope. They don't go in your mouth." Rayla told him as Ezrin made a noise in confusion and looked at the berries from a few angles. "To cure a stuffy nose," Rayla had started but Ember had finished her explanation. "You've got to stuff them up your nose!" she slightly shouted as she lay back on the wall of the cave with a wrapped up Iris snuggling up next to her.

"Oh, seems doable." Ezrin mutterd as he looked at the berries again. "How's the egg doing? And has Iris atleast woken up once?" Rayla suddenly questioned us which made the atmosphere in the cave depressing. We all looked to the egg, well the ones of us who where awake that is. "I don't think it's getting better and no, Iris has remained asleep so far." I told Rayla. "The egg was blowing so bright before now it's..... Dim and flickery." Ember told us as she looked towards the egg. "It's even darker from when I left." Rayla told us. "We gotta find help." Ezrin looked to us as he now had those berries in his nose.

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