chapter 3

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A red and pink faded out long haired girl was walking to a nearby cafe to catch up with her studies while in a peaceful environment with a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. As she entered, she went up to the cash register to place her order. Before she could even speak, she looked at the cashier who was a little shorter than her and had long brown hair. She seemed familiar but she didn't want to make assumptions and just ordered.

"One coffee and a slice of chocolate cake please. Make the coffee the largest size possible like a venti or a trenta if you know what I'm talking about." asked the girl.

"Sure, I'll have that up in 5 minutes. You may take a seat and I will call your name when your order is ready. Thanks for ordering, Rei." The cashier replied while smirking at her.

"H-how did you even-," Rei was at a loss for words.

"It's me! Do you remember a girl with the name "Lee Hyunseo"?" She asked her.

"You're my junior from like a school I went to years ago. Why are you working at a cafe?" Rei asked.

"My family is really struggling now and I need to make my own money. Of course, i have to split my paycheck with my family so they can at least have some money. The cafe does not pay well but it's the best job I could apply for as not a lot of jobs hire 13 year olds with basic knowledge of mathematics and making drinks." Hyunseo replied while looking down.

"Hey, at least you're doing it to help your family and yourself. Wanna split the meal with me? I could get some work done while having a chat with you. I wanna know the drama from your new school as we couldn't get in contact after I graduated." Rei asked.

Hyunseo looked up and smiled like she was about to cry. She nodded her head and Rei went to her table. A couple of minutes later, Hyunseo informed her boss that she was going on break and brought the order with her to Rei's table. Rei and Hyunseo sat next to each other and shared the order while talking about some events that happened at their schools.

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