chapter 5

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Gaeul finally made it home and closed the door behind her. She had a mini heart attack when she saw Yujin on the couch staring at her.

"Hey, Yujin..." Gaeul said in a scared tone.

"It's 10:24pm. Where have you been? Doesn't class end at like 8:30pm? I had to learn how to use the microwave to make popcorn as it was the only instant food I could cook in this whole house. Quick note, we need a new microwave." Yujin replied as she got up and complained to Gaeul.

"I'm sorry. I just made 4 new friends and I was at the cafe with them the whole time. Two from my dance class and two that I met at that same cafe." Gaeul replied.

"Damn, someone's getting friends." Yujin said in a sarcastic surprised tone.

"Yujin, I know you're feeling underwhelmed after all that you've been through and I want to help you. Do you wanna join the groupchat that I created with those 4 new friends? You're just a year older than three of them but like you're way older than one of them." Gaeul asked while sitting down on the couch next to Yujin who had flopped down on the couch and put her face into a pillow out of sadness.

Gaeul could see Yujin nodding without saying a word and added her into the groupchat without hesitation.

KIM jiwony: hey guys, this is my roommate, Yujin. She needs friends.

Yujin🐶: Hey shut it. Who are you?

KIM jiwony: it's Gaeul, I'm right next to you. You can see my screen.

Yujin🐶: why'd you change your name?

KIM jiwony: that's what I'm about to tell you.

kim JIWONy: heyyyyy!

kim jiWONY: hello!

Naoi Rei: hi!

Leeseo: hihi!

Yujin🐶: woah- that's a lot of people.

KIM jiwony: the girl with Jiwon in caps is Kim Jiwon. The girl with Wony in caps is Wonyoung. Naoi Rei is Rei but her full name. Leeseo is a nickname we gave this small baby named Hyunseo.

Leeseo: I'm 13. I'm not a baby.

Naoi Rei: AWWWW

Leeseo: 😔

Yujin🐶: nice to meet you guys. You're Gaeul's friends?

kim jiWONY: we got close after a few hours. Idk how but it's amazing.

KIM jiwony: so, do you want to join us on our next hangout session at the park next to the train station?

Yujin🐶: isn't that like a long walk away? It ain't close, the hell you talking about?

Leeseo: woah

Naoi Rei: someone's mad


KIM jiwony: she's like this don't worry guys. Ik It's a long walk but we'll have a picnic there and it'll be all worth it once we have the picnic. So, wanna go?

Yujin🐶: fine.

Gaeul put her phone away and looked at Yujin who was looking at her pictures gallery.

"Hey, let's go to bed. It's late already," Gaeul told Yujin while tapping her leg.

Yujin shut her phone off and got up from the couch. Gaeul smiled and got up. She carefully grabbed Yujin's arm and pulled her slowly into their bedroom. Gaeul jumped on her bed and tucked herself in. She looked at Yujin who just flopped onto the bed and stayed there.

"Yujin, just tell me what's up. You looked so depressed today and I'm kinda concerned," Gaeul asked Yujin.

"I don't wanna talk now. Just talk tomorrow," Yujin muffled.

Gaeul sighed and turned off the lights. She left Yujin alone and went to sleep.

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