2. Charlie

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7:37am - April 27th, the day of the birthday

I sat in my bed, I just felt gross. Of course, on the day of my birthday I feel like I'm gonna puke everywhere.

I looked at my phone. I saw four birthday texts from Nick, Tao, Elle, and Darcy. And on the floor, a gift from Tori.

I got up, and slowly opened the bag. There was a wrapped box inside. I let out a little giggle.

 I opened the box, and my face turned a little red. There was a small locket, reading Don't ever hide who you're meant to be, which made me smile.

But when I opened the locket, there was a picture of the three of us; Nick, Tori, and I.  I smiled. I looked at my engagement ring. 

"Morning." Tori appeared.

I jumped. "God, Tori."

"Sorry." She sips her iced tea.

"I might just lay in bed all day anyway, I feel awful."

"That's too bad, I guess you can't see your future husband downstairs."

"Tell him to come up here, please."

"'Kay," She goes downstairs.

I laid back on the bed and groaned angrily, "I already hate being 20."

I heard footsteps.

"Hey birthday boy." Nick knocked on the open door.

"Yayy." I mumbled.

"Aw." He smiled softly. "Don't worry, my third gift will be taking care of you."


"Yeah, I got a little something for you."

"Nick," I giggle.

"I know, I know." He laughed.

He gave me a small bag with stars on it (I love stars, in case you haven't known). I smiled. I slowly tore out the tissue paper, still trying to keep the suspense. 

"Oh..." I blushed.

If you're wondering (which you are), Nick had 'save the date' cards inside the bag. I smiled. May 15. 

"I'm glad the party is tomorrow and not today. I literally feel like shit." I looked at him with weary eyes.

"My poor bunny," He feels my head.

"Ughh why am I sick." I looked at him.

"Because sickness happens to great people, and you, sir, are the greatest."

"Says the 21 year old." I looked at him.

"Hey! My age does not mark my wisdom."

"I wish we could kiss." I stared at him.

"Ah yes. Kissing is your solution to everything,"

"Well... I didn't say that."

 He laughed, which made my face light up.

"I suppose..." He laid next to me. "We could still sleep together... if... that's okay... with you..." His voice slowed down gradually, which made it romantic.

 I giggle.

He kissed my forehead.

"Please don't ever change for anything." He smiled.

"I'll try." I looked at him.

"Trying is better than nothing." He smiled.

I looked at him as he crawled into the bed.

"First thing on the after wedding shopping list, a bigger bed."

"Shut up." I shoved his shoulder jokingly.

"I'm being serious." He giggled.

"I know," I giggled, but it led to a hoarse cough.

He looked at me and crawled over my chest. "Bunny, calm down," He put a hand on my chest.

"What's your plan for the wedding?" He looked at me.

"Small, for sure." I smiled.

"Yeah?" He tapped my nose.

"Of course." I giggled.

I quickly made a weird face. This was when the feeling of puking happened. Nick looked at me softly.

"You okay?" He put a hand on my shoulder.

Before I could answer, it just happened. I puked. On Nick. As soon as it happened I started crying.

 "Hey... it's okay, I'm not mad." He smiled at me and got off the bed.

"I'm sorry, I'm a horrible person." I sobbed.

"You're not, sweetheart. You're my fiancé, and this stuff happens."

He walked into the bathroom and got a washcloth. I watched him through the crack in the door. He wiped off his shirt.

He opened the door, his shirt soaked with soapy water, looking at me.

"All clean." He smiled.

"I'm sorry, Nick." I looked at him sadly.

"No need to apologise, I'd never be mad about that."

He held my hands and looked into my eyes, putting a hand on the side of my face. He pulled our foreheads together, until slowly leaning in to kiss me. I let my lips sink into his.

We kissed about once or twice, and then he pulled away. I looked at him.

"I can't wait for that feeling next month." He smiled.

"Am I really the one you wanna marry..?" I looked at him.

He looked at me softly.

"Of course. You have been since the day I saw you."

 I looked at him. I hugged him. I felt his warm body against my cheek as he pulled me in.

"My baby."

[WIP] Nick and Charlie: Future Years (a Heartstopper Story)Where stories live. Discover now