2- Chemistry?

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It was only 10 minutes to lunch if it was any longer you would most certainly jump out of the window, hope that there was an chemical explosion in the lab and the toxins would cause an evacuation, even a loud explosion to burst your eardrums so yo...

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It was only 10 minutes to lunch if it was any longer you would most certainly jump out of the window, hope that there was an chemical explosion in the lab and the toxins would cause an evacuation, even a loud explosion to burst your eardrums so you didn't have to listen to Chan.

 It had been almost an hour of him trying to 'flirt' with you all his attempts failed of course and you would never retaliate but you had been trying to block it out for so long it only made it worse its like he knew, doesn't he ever give up. Why couldn't you just have had a normal day why does something always have to happen. 

"Are you made of fluorine, iodine, and neon? because you're FINe." Rolling your eyes was no longer effective and you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of speaking to him, that would acknowledge that you were actually listening and as much as you cringed at 99% of them there were one or two that you actually found funny. You could never admit that EVER. 

"Aria did you hear, scientists recently discovered a rare new element called Beautium and it looks like you're made out of it." He winks at you as he tries to gain your attention. He keeps pushing your limits and its not something you'd like to continue, you'd rather not snap at him as much as it would please you.

"If you were an element you'd be Francium because you're the most attractive."

"Can you stop before I throw up in my mouth?" You say waving him off dismissively as you put your hand on your head feeling a headache coming on.  

"What's wrong the connection between us to strong?"


"I'll answer whatever you want me to." 

"Do you have any pick up lines that aren't about my looks and about my personality? You know something that I would actually be interested in talking to you about? No? Thought as much. So maybe if you focused more on what's on the inside than the outside you would have a girlfriend, or maybe looks are all that matters to you."

"How did you know I don't have a girlfriend? Stalking me? Seems like your more interested in me that I thought, looks like I did learn something interesting in this class."

"No absolutely not I would rather talk to a brick wall than stalk you, they are far more interesting and they don't talk back. I can tell because if you did, she wouldn't let you near me and you wouldn't be doing this well what you think is flirting. Also people wouldn't stare at me like they want to kill me more than they already do. So unless your that type of guy who likes having multiple girlfriends which makes me think so much less of you than I already do, I would rather just drop out or move cause I cant deal with."

You pause for a moment as you look him in the eye, they're more gentle than you thought your not sure why but something in them looked like they were silently calling out for help. 

"This. So relax with the whole thing I will never date someone like you besides I like more than a pretty face, your outside has to match your inside. So stop being shallow and try find a connection with someone that actually wants to talk to you." 

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