A Small Moment of Peace

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Y/n's POV

As soon as the camp meeting was over, Zoe wanted to leave immediately to find Artemis. But Chiron told her it would take time to get everything in order, and that it would be good for us to rest.

So there I was sitting against Thalia's tree trying to build up my courage. I was lying down on the grass with my head propped up on a pillow with a blanket over me. I usually preferred sleeping without any covering, but it was getting cold and I needed the warmth.

I let out a long deep breath as I tried to prepare myself. I needed to get to the bottom of all of this, I still had no idea who that girl was in my head or why she was there. My dirk had emerged with another crack, and Shadow Y/n was still fully gone. Plus those things that attacked us last night were bugging me. They seemed strangely familiar and I had a hunch they had something to do with everything going on with me. 

I had way more questions than answers, and my only lead was that girl. Plus she really did seem scared and confused, that panic in her eyes, she couldn't have faked it. She needed to be helped as much as I did.

But still, I couldn't get the feeling of that place out of my head. That pool of darkness that somehow bridged my mind and that dark forest. It was the weightlessness, the emptiness, those voices reaching out to me as I drifted through darkness. Calling to me, grabbing me, clinging to me. It sent shivers up my spine, and I didn't know if I was ready to face them again.

I let out a long breath as I continued to think to myself. Perhaps there was something I was missing, a lead I hadn't considered, a clue I had forgotten. Anything that I could use.

And as I thought, a memory came to me. 

Last summer when Thalia was still a pine, Luke snuck back into camp and poisoned the tree. And I using my powers tried to cure the sickness myself, but ultimately failed and passed out. And in my head, I talked with Shadow Y/n who taunted me and basically threatened that they needed me. After which Thalia helped me back up, warded off Shadow Y/n, and made a passive mention about him being a jerk. Furthermore somehow her presence in my head managed to overpower his.

So maybe Thalia knew something I didn't, maybe she was the lead I was looking for.

I looked across the valley towards the Zeus cabin, which still had lights on inside. It wasn't too late, and I knew Thalia tended to go to bed later than most. So I decided to talk to her.

I pushed myself up from the ground, brushing off the grass that clung to my clothes. The night air was crisp, and the moon cast a silvery glow over the camp. I made my way towards the Zeus cabin, the memories of last summer still vivid in my mind.

The camp was quiet as I approached, the soft sounds of the night only interrupted by the occasional breeze rustling through the leaves. I looked ahead and I saw Cabin 1 in front of me.

 Zeus's cabin was somehow the most unremarkable of all the other cabins. On the outside, it looked more like a bank than anything. Classic boxy white architecture with pillars adorning the front. There wasn't even any windows or openings to see through. It barely seemed like a cabin.

I hesitated for a moment at the entrance of the building. I took a moment trying to process what i wanted to say before I slowly knocked on the bronze doors. After a brief pause, Thalia opened the door, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of me.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice slightly tense.

"Yeah um, I just wanted to see if you were free to talk." I explained, "If you're busy I can come back later."

She took a moment brushing back her hair as she gave me one more look before opening the door.

"Make yourself at home."

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