Chapter 27 - Identity

ابدأ من البداية

"Why would you show your face all of a sudden?"

Honey-colored eyes met Jade.

That was when Xiao Tian realized that Bai Feng truly couldn't remember anything from that night.

"I just wanted to breathe for a bit, and since there's only you and me in this room.." Xiao Tian started.

"It still doesn't explain.. Now that I know your identity.." the informant gritted his teeth but the assassin seemed to be taken aback by Bai Feng's reaction.

"Wait wait.. I think you misunderstood something here Xiao Bai.." Xiao Tian tried to calm the cedar-haired beauty down.

"Knowing one's identity as an assassin.. Do you expect me to believe that you'll let me go alive?" the golden-eyed man hissed with hostility.

"Xiao Bai calm down.. Let's talk.." the short-haired man coaxed, he did not expect such a reaction from the informant. But thinking back, it's natural for the overly vigilant man to behave this way. After all, Xiao Tian almost assassinated him a few times already.

"Talk? Put away your weapons and we'll talk" Bai Feng commanded sarcastically. The assassin lets out a small sigh and puts his daggers on the table.

"There.. Do you trust me now?" Xiao Tian asked with a dejected tone, but the informant was eyeing him closely, from the top of his head down to his shoes. So the assassin let out a small "oh" and proceeded to take off his clothes layer by layer.

"W-Wait what are you doing?" the golden-eyed beauty now flustered, as Xiao Tian walked closer and closer to him with his torso completely exposed.

"D-Don't move any closer!" the cedar-haired man said in a panic as he was cornered to the wall. But of course, the assassin ignored all of Bai Feng's warnings and continued to lean closer. Then Xiao Tian grabbed the informant's hand and placed it on his chest, causing the golden-eyed beauty to drop his sword.

"You can check for any hidden weapons, that way you'll feel safer no?" the assassin smirked slightly as he watched Bai Feng turn red.

Without his mask, the informant can now see Xiao Tian's facial expression. The slight upturn of the corner of his lips, and the glint in his sharp yet mesmerizing jade orbs was reflecting his current mischief. The assassin is definitely attractive, but Bai Feng would never admit that.

"There is no need! Quickly put on your clothes.." the informant looked away, unable to maintain any more eye contact with the assassin as heat rose up his cheeks.

"Aww, you won't check? I might hide some 'secret weapon' somewhere~ It might be dangerous you know?" the cheeky man continued to bring the informant's hands down to his toned abdomen. Honey-colored eyes wavered as the assassin continued to get closer to the cedar-haired beauty.

Suddenly, the pair heard a rustle so Bai Feng quickly pulled Xiao Tian closer to him, hiding his face away. In such proximity, the short-haired assassin was quickly enveloped by a calming scent coming from the informant. The two kept quiet for some time before Bai Feng let go of the assassin and shoved the unique mask onto Xiao Tian's face.

璧玉之輪 | Fortuitous Jadeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن