Introduction Theerapanyakul family

Start from the beginning

Porsche Kittisawasd Theerapanyakul:

Feels like he is still a teenager and acts like it most of the time. Asking about his age is like committing a crime. Vegas tried it once but didn't like not having Pete by his side for more than a week when Porsche abducted him.

Has a heart of gold and protects his family like they are his pups. Sassy by day, horny by night.

Chay and Phoenix and Venice come before anything. Has a habit of babying his little brother, Prapai and Venice since they are the youngest. He tried to baby Macau once but the brat is too stubborn to accept his brotherly love so he gave up.

Has been in a war with Kim since they came out as a couple. Annoying Kim is a is necessary even though he is happy when his baby brother is happy.

Married to Kinn for 20 years and falls in love everyday a little more with the love of his life.

Gifted the minor family to Vegas as a funeral gift when Korn died because he hates those mafia bastards who think they own the world and can walk over him.

Gifted the minor family to Vegas as a funeral gift when Korn died because he hates those mafia bastards who think they own the world and can walk over him

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Kimhan Theerapanyakul:

Still as handsome as ever, the bastard doesn't know what aging is.

Love's Chay like he is his obsession. Gifted Chay a cat as a birthday gift but regrets it now.

Jealous of mister Fluffy because he steals Chay's attention and cuddles from him.

Tried to hide mister Fluffy once to get Chay all for himself but regretted it when Chay moved into Kinn and Porsche's room kicking Kinn out so he could live together with Porsche and his cat.

In a war with Porsche to see who can spoil Chay the most. He win's most of the time.

Started producing and releasing music together with Chay. Originally he wanted to call the WIK's angel but had to change it since his family said it sounded like he was possessing Chay.

Now they are called WIK and the sunshine since Chay is the sunshine in Kim's life.

They don't have any children since Kim can't handle children that cry or ask for anything and his possessive ass doesn't know how to share Chay.

They don't have any children since Kim can't handle children that cry or ask for anything and his possessive ass doesn't know how to share Chay

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