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Made this chapter to help you out with terms/words that can replace the ones used in The Trials :)
I'll also say if I've seen that word in other fangames or not

Participator (never seen)
Contributor (never seen I believe)
Partaker (definitely never seen)
Entrant (same as last one)
Attended (never seen but sounds cool)
Contestant (seen in survivalist and the games?)
Player (suggested for the games but idk)
Volunteer (seen in the tests)
Competitor (seen in the assessments)

Assistant (never seen)
Helper (never seen)
Arbitrator (never seen)
Conciliator (never seen)
Middleman/Middlewoman(?) (never seen)
Advocate (seen in the assessments)
Judge/ Rent-a-Judge (cool but never seen)
Moderator (never seen but again it's a good one)
Volunteer (seen in the games)
Tester (seen in the trials fanmade)

Experiment (never seen)
Test (seen in the tests duh)
Examination (like the judged exams??) (never seen)
Check (never seen)
Game (seen in the games)
Assessment (never seen)
Round (seen in Survivalist)
(Couldn't find as many :/ )

Removed (never seen)
Abolished (never seen)
Banished (never seen also)
Cancelled (never seen)
Executed (like danganrompa!) (never seen)
Phased out (never seen but I like this one specifically because of the reference about the "phase" that it's made)
Annihilated (never seen, in my opinion it's a bit too hardcore)
Terminated (never seen, and again, too hardcore in my opinion)
Killed (never seen, use this one if you want to be direct!)
Eliminated (seen in survivalist)
Disqualified (suggested for the games but idk)
Expelled (never seen)
(There are a lot more but I think this is enough)

P.S. (as of 30/11/2023) Thank you for almost 60 views, you guys rock!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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