Millie detested how he kept looking her way. All she wanted was to yell at him to keep his eyes on the road. Sighing hard she remembered what awaited her, a man that thought he was going to marry her, but this whole trip had brought her to the conclusion that she didn't want to marry him. AJ was a great guy, he made her laugh, he was a great kisser...and he...he...she turned to glance at Howie. It was really all his fault she was having second thoughts, he had opened her eyes to the kind of man she really wanted.

Suddenly she felt the car begin to spin, gripping the door handle tightly she tried to make it stop. Her ears began to ring uncontrollably and her stomach was churning with force, making her heave. She felt her body so limp she lost grip of the handle and turned to face Howie again "I need to throw up" she stuttered "Please stop"

"Hold on" Howie turned to look at her, the color had drained from her face. Stopping at a busy gas station he whirled into a parking lot towards the back of the station.

"I can't move" she yelped almost in a slur as she slouched in her seat.

Howie jumped out of the car and flung the door open, picking her up and hoisting her against his body and holding her by the waist. "Ok Millie, you won't make it to the bathroom so we are going back here." he held her from behind as he felt her stomach push with each spew.

Millie tried gaining her balance as she felt him leaning her against the wall, she felt the side of his hand brush against her cheek as he moved her hair out of the way. "Millie are you ok? Please tell me your ok" she heard his voice, but the ringing in her ear overpowered it. Losing her balance again, he caught her and helped her to the car.

"I need water please" she looked up at him, her eyes were droopy and the sadness still lingered in them.

He shook his head and made his way into the store, grabbing whatever he thought might make her feel better "Excuse there a doctors office or hospital around here?" he asked the cashier.

The cashier thought for a second "Oh yes, keep going straight till you hit the third light, there's a hospital there." Howie paid and thanked the man. His eyes flew open as he found Millie struggling not to fall out of the car and traces of her being sick again.

"I still feel sick...Howie..." she held on to him tight as he helped her back into the car and helped her sip on some water. Everything was still spinning and the humming in her ears was getting louder.

"I'm taking you to the hospital" he closed her door and then hopped into his seat. Zooming out of the gas station he sped through the green lights until he reached the emergency room. Shifting the car into park he flew over to her side, struggling to take her out and almost dragging her weak body into the ER. Quickly they came to her aide, watching as they wheeled her down the hall gave him a sudden chill.

Howie watched the doctor make his way towards him, the man had a smile on his face. "Howie..." he heard him ask, instantly standing up.

"Yes that's me doctor" he stuffed his hands in his pockets, hoping it would keep him from fidgeting with his fingers. "Is she ok?" he asked with concern in his voice.

The doctor gave him a wide smile "Why yes...she's just fine. They are fine!" he patted Howie's shoulder.

Howie wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion "They? I'm confused!" he stated

"She's just got the case of morning sickness. She's pregnant. You're gonna be a ok Howie...Howie" he heard the doctor yell.

Howie jerked his eyes open and found himself in front of a doctor who asked him once more "Are you Howie...friend of Millie?"

He sighed with relief, noticing he was only dreaming "Yes doctor. Is she ok?" he asked, his heart racing, afraid to hear the doctor's answer.

"She's fine...just had vertigo. Seems to have an ear infection, which causes the ears to ring, dizziness, nausea, weakness in the body. I gave her a prescription for some antibiotics." he smiled at the concern on Howie's face "Really she's good. It's a common thing, just has nasty symptoms. She should be good to go, once she finishes up her IV. You are welcome to see her, she's in room 6."

Howie shook the doctor's hand "Thank you doctor" the doctor nodded his head and walked down the hallway. Howie slowly made his way towards the room, he stopped at the door. He could hear the beeping of the machines and it hurt deep in his heart to see her laying in the bed with her eyes closed. He walked in and stood next to her "Millie?" he uttered.

She opened her eyes, and couldn't help but smile at the sight of his face. She felt him lean over and suddenly he was embracing her. Taking in his scent she closed her eyes and smiled. "I'm ok" she said her voice a little hoarse, he slipped his hand into hers entwining his fingers with hers.

"You scared me. I thought you were..." he cupped her face in his hands and leaned down to kiss her. "I'm sorry for being such an asshole."

A couple of hours later Howie felt the soreness in his body. He opened his eyes and found himself curled up on a rather hard chair. He stretched his arms out and found Millie sitting on her bed, with her clothes on. Her cheeks were rosy and she wore a smile on her face.

"I thought I would let you rest. We still have about five hours left." He smiled and took her hand in his and they both exited the room.

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