DeColorful makeup

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-"well if you won't tell me anything're looking a little too vibrant. Perhaps we can...take away some of that color"
Wednesday says with a slight smirk. To my surprise she picks up a makeup brush and messes with its bristles briefly.
-"hold still"
She whispers, leaning forward so drag the brush across my face. My vision starts to double again and I feel myself getting more drowsy. It becomes increasingly harder to keep my head up.
-"what's happening?"
I mutter, mostly to myself.
-"oh your just fading to black"
Wednesday replies.

-"I'm glad I already removed the color from the stained glass window"
I ask, briefly closing my eyes in hopes that'll help my vision.
-"I'm allergic to color"
She replies. I lift my head but just for it to fall again.
-"that why your "removing" my "color""
I ask, being as sarcastic as I can be while my lungs begin to squeeze.
-"yes. And...this will really help bring out your complexion"
-"this feels soft"
I mumble. She nods.
-"yes it's ground up beetles"
She replies.

-"I hate bugs"
I say, shutting my eyes tightly again.
-"a normal fear. Quite natural"
She says. I peak my eyes open and my vision seems to have settled but who knows how long that'll last. I need to get out of here, and fast.
-"so am I looking any better?"
I ask, as Wednesday taps more powder on my nose.
-"yes your looking positively deadly"
She replies, leaning back in her chair.

-"do you normally do makeup on your friends?"
I ask. She seems taken aback by this.
-"I have no friends. I prefer to be alone" she replies.
-"yet no one lets me..."
-"I could leave you alone"
I say. She looks at me for a moment.
-"I still think your hiding something"
She says.
-"and...I'm getting a little bit impatient since this is taking away time that I could be writing my novel"
Believe me Wednesday this is taking away my time as well, I mean your literally killing me after all.

-"really. Time to finish your novel?"
I reply.
-"I'm finishing out the last chapter"
she says, tapping on her desk. She glances over to something and then reaches past her desk to grab it.
-"what do ya got?"
I ask.
-"well...let's just see what I have here"
She then looks at me and smirks a bit.
-"oh you poor dear your starting to sweat"
She says, feeling my forehead.
-"Is the burning taking affect?"
-"that obvious?"
I reply.

-"hm...what does it feel like? Describe it to me"
She says, leaning back in her chair seeming genuinely intrigued.
-"I'm dying to know"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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