Where am I?

918 15 2

I wake up to the sound of typewriter keys clamping down on paper. I can barely move and my vision is blurry. Everything is mostly dark, all shades of gray if not black, the only think I can kind of make out is a girl. A very pretty girl, granted, but why am I here?

The typewriter continues and my vision focuses. The girl is very pale and has all black hair styled into 2 braids. I look at her confused for a moment as she continues typing, unbothered by my presence. I try to move but realize I'm completely restrained. My eyes widened in fear and I try to move around more. The girl looks over at me and stops her typing.

-"good. Your awake"
She says, now completely facing me. She looks to the side and thinks for a moment.
-"well, unlucky for you. But fun for me"
She says in a monotone but "happy" voice.
-"what the fuck"
I mutter under my breath, practically in a whisper.

-"I trust you're feeling...uncomfortable?"
She asks.
I move around a bit more.
-"yeah no shit I'm uncomfortable. What the hell is happening? Why am I tied up!?"
She smirks a bit.
-"allow me to explain"
She says, nonchalantly. I keep trying to break free, hoping there's some way I can loosen the chains. Her smirk disappears a bit as she watches me.
-"I see your trying to move"

She says.
-"I've taken the liberties of restraining you, it's for your own good"
She says, a slight smile returning to her otherwise lifeless face. She picks up one end of the chain and I hear as it rattles around. I watch her play with it for a moment.
-"it'll keep you safe"
She says, looking back up at me.

Ok seriously Wtf is wrong with this girl.

-"you see..."
She smiles down as she continues to mess with the chain.
-"you've been.."
She continues messing with the chain.
-"oh will you quit and tell me what's going on??"
I ask. Her smile leaves but the chain remains in her hands.
-"...exposed to a rare kind of scorpion venom"
She says, finishing her sentence.

I feel all the muscles in my face drop and my heart beat seems to go up. This...this can't be happening right now right?? I-if it was t-that'd mean I'm dying!

-"and, in but a few moments, will start to cause you to seize"
She says, as she begins playing with the chain again. I try desperately to wiggle my way out of the chains but still nothing works and the girl seems totally unbothered.
-"see? To keep you safe, I took the liberties of restraining you"
She says almost pridefully as she holds up the chain.
-"it's for your own good, you can thank me later"
She says, nodding her head.

Pov Wednesday kidnaps you? 🤨Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz