Story Seven: A New Successor

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It was a few months after Pastor Timmons had his congregation attack the TK&ER, and the railway had mostly recovered. Mr. Hatt had repaired all the coffepots, and a new engine was set to come out of the workshop soon. He was set to be named Hubert, after the son of the manager. He was a careless, overconfident engine, as most engines are when they're built. But, he was different. He was self obsessed, only taking his needs into consideration, and never those of others. One day, Hartwell was resting by the platform at Elsbridge, ready to pull the express. He heard another engine puff up to the coaches. "Hey, I'm supposed to be pulling the express today." Hartwell said, opening an eye. He saw it was Hubert. "Well, better luck next time!" Hubert sneered, as the guard blew his whistle. Hubert hurried away down the line. "The nerve of that engine!" Hartwell fumed to himself, as he set off for the yard. "Don't feel too bad, he's taken trains from all of us." Beatrice said, pulling into the station, dragging a broken down Stone and his train from the Quarry behind him. "Who knows, maybe he'll get shut up in the Quarry while Mr. Hatt repairs me!" Stone joked, trying to ease the tension. Hartwell paid no notice, going to the lead mines to pick up a shipment for Knapford Harbor. Meanwhile, Hubert was flying down the line, his teeth gritted in concentration. "More steam!" He shouted to his driver. "Hubert, you'll burst a valve if you keep running under all this pressure!" His driver hissed back, Hubert's valves going further and further to the red. Just then, a sickening pop ran out, steam shooting out from Hubert's side, as brown boiler water shot out from his boiler, drenching himself and his driver. "You miserable engine! You've stranded the passengers, broken down and soiled my new uniform! You should be ashamed of yourself!" He driver scolded, standing in front of Hubert as he tried frantically to dry himself. "It's not my fault! I didn't know my limit!" Hubert feigned, trying to get off the hook. "Oh, you're full of shit!" His driver said, his face red in anger. He stormed off to the brake coach, to talk to the guard. The passengers then poured out of the coaches, around Hubert. "You're a foolish engine! I won't ride on this train again if you're pulling it!" They said, angrily. "Looks like you won't be riding the express again." Hubert retorted, with a smarmy smirk. Just then, he heard a booming voice. "Hubert, what was that?!" It was the voice of the manager, as he stormed over. "You are BANNED from pulling the express! Clearly, you need to learn some sense before you can pull it again! I expected you to carry your name with a little respect and dignity, but clearly, you cannot! You are an arrogant, snarky dumbass! Hartwell is going to take you up to Ffarquhar, and then you'll be going back to the shed! End of discussion!" The manager said, climbing into the coaches with the passengers. Hartwell buffered up to the rear of the train. He whistled, and the train set off for Ffarquhar.

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