Story Five: Going the Distance

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It was now 1894, and the businesses on the TK&ER were booming more than ever. The passenger services were getting busier and busier, and the mines and farms, along with the shipping from Knapford Harbor were causing the railway to boom. The coffeepots were beginning to get worn out, but it would be a little while longer before another engine would be added to the roster. Beatrice and Glynn were talking one day in the sheds. "Did you hear about the large train of cattle we were contracted to bring to Knapford Harbor? I hear it's a real doozy for Manager to sort out." Beatrice said, tiredly. "I heard. I wonder who's going to have to handle it." Glynn responded. "You are, Glynn!" The Manager replied, walking up to the sheds with a spring in his step. "What's got you so excited, Sir?" Hartwell asked, rolling in from his morning local. "This cattle shipment, Hartwell. If we complete it, we'll have enough money to contract another engine! We really need around here, don't you lot agree?" He asked, beaming from ear to ear. "Indeed, it's been a bit strenuous. But you said I had to pull the cattle train, Sir?" Glynn asked, making sure he heard right. "Yes, Glynn. I want you to go up to Farmer Hershel's right away, Charleston already shunted the cattle trucks there for you." The manager said, and walked towards his office. "Looks like I'm off, don't have to much fun while I'm out, you two!" Glynn teased, as he set off down the line. "We won't!" Hartwell responded, a bit oblivious to the sarcasm, as Beatrice rolled her eyes. Glynn was having a grand time as he trundled down the line, taking in the beauty of their little railway. Eventually, he made it to Hershel's Farm. "This has to be 25 or 30 trucks, not 20!" He said, amazed at the length of the train. "Good luck, Glynn. I trust you can handle it, you're the wisest and the most capable." Farmer Hershel said, supportively. Glynn smiled in response, and tried to pull the train. He heaved and heaved, but after a few tries, he slowly set off down the line. He was making good time, passing through the countrysides of rural Sodor. He puffed through Marthwaitte, whistling to Beatrice as she was stopped in the station with some empty trucks. Her jaw dropped when she saw how long Glynn's train was, amazed he was able to pull it. Glynn started to gain speed, his face now red from the strain. "I must do this, so Manager can afford that new engine!" He thought to himself, as he pressed on. Elsbridge went by in a blue, as passengers and Hartwell cheered for him. He was flying down the line, when he was Knapford come into view. "Nearly there, nearly there!" He puffed triumphantly to himself. He pulled into Knapford Harbor, while Stone was dozing, waiting for his stone trucks to be unloaded. Glynn blew his whistle, which awoke Stone, and made the dock workers cheer. Glynn was early, surprisingly. He smiled tiredly at Glynn. "Sorry for waking you." He said, out of breath. "No, thank you for waking me. It's not every day you see something like this!" Stone said, bewildered. "Well, I'm going to have a long drink of water." Glynn said, as he uncoupled from the train, and set off to find a water tower.

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