Chapter 3

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[POV: Iris, 1st person]

Swiss, Sodo, and I were walking down the halls to Papa's office, so we could get the money and permission to go shopping. We make it to the office and Swiss knocks on the door, a very tired Papa answers the door

"Oh! Hello my ghouls, do you need anything?" Papa asks opening the door more so we can go into his office.

"Yes, we just needed the money so we can take Iris shopping to get some things for him!" Swiss smiles at Papa,

"Oh yes!" Papa reaches into a drawer and gets an envelope and hands it to me. 

"This should be enough!" I look at the envelope and it says "$3,000". My jaw dropped as we were walking out the room, as soon as we got out I showed Swiss and even he was shocked!

"I got 2,500 dollars, but still! That's a lot!"Swiss exclaimed,

"Looks like someone's a favorite," Sodo smirked at me, a playful one I think. We continued to walk down the halls until we got to the outside doors and went outside, I looked around. All my time on earth and it's my first time outside. It looked different from when I was human and alive, but yet again, that was a long time ago. Swiss leads me to a van with the word "Ghost" In white on it,

"We will be taking the van because you will be getting a lot of things for you, alright?" Swiss stated, I nodded my head at him as I got in the passenger seat and Swiss in the driver,

"I don't trust Sodo's driving." Swiss said, with a chuckle,

"I am a great driver...when I want to be!" Sodo argues back, and I chuckle,

"Oh? So this is funny?" Sodo says from the back,

"Yes, It is" I say giggling, before Sodo reaches from the back and tickles me in my stomach. That was the one spot I was ticklish and he knew HOW? I have no clue.

I was laughing and flailing around before he finally stopped. I was out of breath and Swiss had already started driving.

"That will teach you not to laugh at me!" Sodo says with a cocky grin, I smiled at him. It was silent the rest of the drive, not a bad silence though. A good one, it was comfortable. The van finally stopped at a store called "Hot Topic". We got out and went to the store. We looked around for a bit. 

About 30 mins later I came out with 30 different band shirts and like 20 movie shirts. Not to even mention all of the accessories with that.  We put it in the back and went to multiple different stores where I got room decoration, more clothes, showering products, hair stuff, and makeup because I wanted to learn how to do it!

We finally made it back to the ministry and Swiss and Sodo helped me unload all my things. Once they were in my room we all sat down the floor, exhausted.

"Me and Sodo will let you decorate and then you can come find us, Alright?" Swiss says as he and Sodo get up to leave. I get up with them and before Swiss leaves he says,

"See you later love," with a grin, Once again he leaves me speechless as he closes the door behind him as he leaves.

About 30 mins to an hour later I finally get my room done, and it looks like this-

I was happy with what I did, and I went to go get Swiss to show him

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I was happy with what I did, and I went to go get Swiss to show him. I open my door and wander out into the halls, Swiss's room is only two doors down. I knock on his door and Swiss answers the door, with his mask on but clearly tired,

"You finally done?" Swiss asks with a smirk, I can only see his mouth with the mask on and I wonder what he looks like underneath it..

"Yes, yes I am," I respond with a smile, he stares at me through the lenses of our masks and my body shivers.

"Want to come see?" I ask, he responds with,

"Yes, of course!" I walk with him to my room and his eyes widen,

"Wow this is great!" he says as he goes and jumps onto my bed. He sighs when he lays down, then I go and lay next to him, and before I know it, I've accidentally fallen asleep next to him..

(I'll update another one soon! Let me know what you think of this chapter.)

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