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Blitz woke up, and stared at his phone. His heart was pounding as he read the text that Stolas had sent the night prior.


Blitz wanted to go and talk with Stolas, but he was so terrified about what would happen. Stolas was so vague in his text that Blitz had no idea what this could be about. So many ideas flooded into his mind, but he couldn't figure out what it could actually be.

He decided to just head to work and see if maybe Millie or Moxxie could figure it out.

Stolas woke up and noticed that Blitz had read his message but he didn't respond. This made him worry that he was too forward with his message, even though it clearly wasn't. Stolas tried to get work done but he couldn't focus because he was too nervous...

Blitz arrived at I.M.P. and it was obvious to the others that something wasn't right.

Millie: Hey B, is everything alright?

Blitz: I don't fuckin' know...

Moxxie: You know you can be honest with us, Sir.

Blitz sighed and pulled up the text from Stolas.

Blitz: Stolas texted me asking to meet up this weekend and... talk.

Moxxie: Why didn't you say yes, si-

Blitz: Shut the fuck up, Moxxie. It's... It's not that easy. There's so many things that he could want to discuss with me.

Millie: Well, do you want to go see him...?

Blitz: ...Yeah

Millie: Then I think it's a good idea. Relax, B. Everything's gonna be just fine.

Millie flashed a small grin at Blitz. He then sighed, and went to text Stolas back.

Blitz: What do I even say???

Millie: Just tell him that you'll go over. I can even do it if you need me to.

Blitz: o-ok...

Blitz typed out the message for Stolas, and with a moment of hesitation, he sent it.

Stolas noticed right away, and quickly replied with:

Alright then. See you then, Blitz.

He took a sigh of relief but quickly realized he had to figure out what he was going to say.

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