The Crystal

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The full moon was this weekend, and Stolas found himself with a text from Asmodeus stating that he talked with Fizzarolli, and they decided that they're going to let Stolas have the crystal for Blitz. Stolas then realized that he now has a big responsibility on his shoulders. He now has to give Blitz this crystal, and explain to him why he's giving it to him. This seems like an easy task, but in reality, it's not. By telling Blitz why, Stolas has to share his feelings for Blitz and how he truly sees him as something more than just a play thing. Stolas realized that he zoned out and texted Ozzie back letting him know he's on his way to pick it up.

-At Ozzie's-

A: Hey birdie babe! How's it going?

S: Oh hello, Asmodeus! It's been better. How have you been after our last conversation?

A: Things have been great! Anyways, you wait here while I go grab the crystal for you!

S: Alright!

Stolas sat by himself in the room for a bit, thinking about what all he had to say to Blitz when the door to Asmodeus's office. It was Fizzarolli looking for Ozzie.

F: Hey, have you seen Ozzie?

S: Yes, as a matter of fact, he's currently grabbing something for me right now. I'm sure he'll be here in a second so you can stay here if you want.

F: Oh alrighty. What's he grabbing for you anyways?

S: He's grabbing one of his crystals for me.

F: Oh yeah... Heh.

S: He said that you said I could give one to Blitz. What made you change your mind about letting me have one...?

F: Well, I realized that Blitz isn't all that bad and that he deserves it. He's been through enough recently.

S: What do you mean by that?

F: Well he and I-

Just as Fizz was about to explain, Ozzie returned.

A: Fizzy Frog? What are you doing here?

F: Oh! Just waiting for you.

Ozzie picked up Fizz and held out his arm to give Stolas the crystal.

A: Sorry about the wait, Stolas. Here's that crystal of yours. I packaged it up all nice for ya and added a little something extra for your troubles.

S: Oh thanks Asmodeus... I really appreciate it.

A: No problem birdie babe. I really hope everything goes well for you and that little imp of yours.

S: Me too...

Asmodeus put down Fizz and left the room, Fizz was about to follow him when he turned back around.

F: Hey Stolas?

S: Yes?

F: Would you mind letting me know how everything goes between you 2...?

S: That won't be an issue. Thanks for letting me have the crystal...

F: It's my pleasure.

Just like that Stolas was left all alone. He grabbed his things and made his way back home.

Stolas had no idea how he was going to give Blitz the crystal when he remembered that it was the weekend of the full moon. In the past, Blitz had come over and had sex with Stolas in exchange for his grimoire. Sadly, that all came to an end when they hurt each other after going to Ozzie's club. This whole situation is why Stolas got this crystal in the first place. He wants to give it to Blitz to prove to him that he's more than sex to him.

Stolas picked up his phone and texted Blitz:

Hello Blitz. I was wondering if you were able to come over this weekend on the full moon. It's been a while and I think there's something we need to discuss.

Stolas then put down his phone and went to bed. 

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