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One year later...

Branch: So...yeah, that's pretty much how it went down.

All of Branch's brothers stared at him in utter shock. Clay's jaw dropped right to the floor.

John Dory: Dude, that is deeeeeep.

Floyd: Hang on, hang on, you're telling us that all this happened? Way to make me feel even more guilty about leaving, Branch.

Clay: Maybe we should leave you alone more often.

Branch: Absolutely not!

Poppy began to giggle in the back, she was putting cream on her scarred arm.

Poppy: That's not exactly how I remember it, Branch. While you did save me from the Bergens, you weren't exactly a full superhero.

Branch: Poppy, I saved your life 3 times in one day!

Poppy: True, but you were more reluctant then than you are now.

Branch: Really? I thought I was pretty heroic!

Poppy laughed and gave Branch a quick kiss on the lips before squishing his face.

Poppy: You and your tall tales, Branchifer.

Branch: What's wrong with that, Poppifer? I'm just...making the story more exciting.

Poppy: Uh huh, let me know when you're done with that. Don't be late to our picnic!

Poppy tapped Branch's cheek lightly and skipped out of her pod. Branch only stood there in absolute silence.

Branch: Can you believe this, you guys?

But Branch was surprised when he saw all of his brothers smirking at each other.

Branch: ...What's so funny? Is there an inside joke that I missed out on? Please tell me you didn't trash my bunker!!!

Floyd: Little bro, relax, it's not what you think.

Spruce: We had...something else in mind.

Branch: What?

Spruce snickered and took something out of his hair.

John Dory: We uh...kinda snuck into your bunker while you were sleeping last night.

Branch: You what?! No wonder there was a draft when I woke up this morning! What did you do?!

John Dory: Re...lax! We didn't do any harm to your crib!

Branch: Okay, good, 'cause I was about-

Clay: We...sort of stole something.

Branch: Wait, what?!

Spruce snickered and put a heart shaped velvet red box in Branch's hand. When Branch opened it, he realized what his brothers had done.

Branch: Are you serious?! Who gave you permission to go through my things?!

Spruce: We're your brothers, it's our job to invade your privacy!

Branch looked down at the box that contained his late grandma's ring. It was colored lavender and was decorated with flowers...Poppy's favorite flowers.

Branch: Wait...are you guys saying...

Floyd: It's time, Branch, you guys have a good thing going on. Besides, after everything you've been through, plus what you just told us, you basically just told us that you're more than ready.

Branch: ...No, no, I can't be ready, it's only been a year since-

Floyd: Branch, little bro, you're definitely ready. Plus, if it hadn't been for her...I wouldn't be here right now.

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