Chapter 11

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A low rumbling was suddenly heard, the trolls looked around for a moment before realizing that it was coming from above them. The pot was opening, they were about to be feasted on. Poppy gasped keeping a tight grip on Branch.

Poppy: No...

The other trolls began to panic.

Biggie: This is it, Mr. Dinkles, this is it...!

Branch kept a firm grip on Poppy's hand.

Branch: Poppy, if you go down, I'm going down with you.

Poppy glanced at Branch a little shocked by what he had just said. She shut her eyes tightly expecting for Chef's greasy hands to grab her and toss her to the king. But she was in for a surprise.

Bridget: Poppy!

Poppy's eyes shot open and she glanced up, it was Bridget! Thank goodness!

Poppy: Bridget?

Bridget glanced around, she had brought the pot outside the castle instead of to the dining area, she put her hand in the pot and Poppy stepped onto her palm.

Poppy: What are you doing here?

Bridget brought Poppy up close.

Bridget: Poppy, I can't let them eat you, especially while Chef is planning to serve you first.

Bridget: Poppy, I can't let them eat you, especially while Chef is planning to serve you first

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Poppy: But...

Bridget: Come on, you need to go, all of you! Hurry!

Bridget tipped the pot over and all the trolls seized the opportunity to escape. But Poppy? Poppy stayed behind trying to talk sense into Bridget.

Poppy: Bridget, don't do this! If you go in there without us, you'll know what they'll do!

Bridget: I know!

Poppy: Bridget!

Bridget: It's okay!

Poppy: No it's not! We're not letting you do this!

Bridget turned around to face Poppy giving her a reassuring smile.

Bridget: It's okay, Poppy, you showed me what it feels like to be happy. I never would have known if it wasn't for you. And I love you for that.

Poppy's heart sank when she heard Bridget utter those words, she looked down at her scar then back at her new friend.

Poppy: I love you too, Bridget...

The tender moment was suddenly interrupted when Bridget heard Chef nearby.

Chef: Idget!!!

Bridget: Poppy, go, hurry!

Poppy: Bridget, wait!

Bridget stopped in her tracks and turned to Poppy.

Poppy: Come with us!

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