"Marielle! Are you even listening to me?" Alana's voice broke through my thoughts.


"Don't or I'll punch you in the throat."

I shoved my apology back down my esophagus, wincing at the serious threat. I remembered the last time she did that all too well.

"I'm listening now," I promised.

"We're going into town to find you a dress," she explained. I opened my mouth to ask a question, but she stopped me before I could get a word out. "We're sneaking you out with this."

She held out a vial with a dark blue liquid swirling inside.

"I got it from one of the witches. It's supposed to make you unrecognizable," she said, handing it to me. "It won't mask your scent, so we'll have to stay away from that mate of yours, but it lasts 12 hours so we'll have enough time to go there and back."

I swirled it around in the glass, giving her an uncertain look," Is it safe?"

Witches weren't the most trustworthy. I heard stories of good and bad ones, but unless you knew them personally, to deal with them was gambling with your life. Then again, if Alana wanted to kill me, I'm positive she would have done so by now.

"Do you have a better idea," Alana shrugged, not giving me much confidence.

She was right, there weren't many options. I glanced at the liquid one more time before squeezing my eyes shut. I held my nose and threw my head back, letting the concoction slip down my throat. I gagged, forcing myself not to puke it back up. It was just as awful as it looked.

"Can I come?"

We both turned to the doorway of my room. Reagan timidly stepped out into the hallway, a look of hopefulness in her eyes. Her eyes widened as she saw me before she looked down at the glass I was holding in my hand.

"That's so cool!" She exclaimed, rushing up to me. "Do you have another one?"

Alana locked eyes with me, a scowl covering her face.

"I don't like children."

"I'm 15, not a child." Rae stated, crossing her arms.

"You're actually 14." I corrected, eyeing her.

"Same thing."

"No, it isn't." Alana and I said at the same time.

Rae turned to me, putting on the saddest little puppy dog face ever. Alana rolled her eyes and folded her arms together in annoyance.

"Mari, please," she begged, her lips forming a pout," You and Millie do things all the time together." 

"Cry me a river." Alana sang, sarcastically.

"I'll be good, I promise," Rae cried, her hands in a praying position. "I'll give you all my sweets for a month."

"A month?" I raised an eyebrow, contemplating.

"Two...six. Six months!"

I looked up at Alana.

"Is there any more?"

"Oh, come on!" Alana groaned before pushing herself off the wall and shoving another one in my sister's hand. "Take it before I change my mind. "

I held onto Rae's hand as we followed Alana to her car. Because she didn't live in the pack house, we had to walk a little distance to get to the house where she lived with her parents. It was strange walking out in the open, but just as Alana said, no one even glanced our way as we passed. We were normal pack members strolling by.

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