Chapter 4: Behind Blue Eyes

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I exited the city and decided to stop at the diner before returning to my room. A coffee and a slice of pie sounded real good right about now. I sat in a warn leather booth absent-mindly taking bites of pie as I sat staring out the window. The smell of bacon grease wafted out of the kitchen and my waitress smiled at me sympathetically as she topped off my cup. I could only imagine what a mess I looked like right now. I felt like a mess. So completely lost and no idea what I was going to do. I felt the need to call someone and get a second opinion on the issue at hand but I wasn't exactly sure who I could trust. What did Ellen mean when she said she would "Figure out what was going on?" My gutt was telling me to call Dean or Bobby. I took my last bite of pie and one more sip of coffee before heading back to my motel room.

I flopped on the bed as soon as the door was shut. With the window still open, lights from the night spilled through onto the dated carpet beneath me. I began replaying the events from earlier in my head. Trying to make sense of it and figure out my next move. It was of no use, I just couldn't seem to rap my head around it all. Suddenly thoughts of Sam holding me against him and smelling me, rushed to the forefront of my mind. The memory alone managed to reignite the fire in my belly. The way he touched the side of my breast, just barely. The shear anticipation of it all caused a small moan to escape my lips. Any other thought or feeling was pushed aside by this sudden need, this hunger to have Sam here right now. I so desperately wanted to feel his hands on my body, his mouth kissing me in the most private of places.

I knew I needed to sleep but it would not replace this hunger without release. I undressed and laid myself back onto the bed. Closing my eyes I cupped my breast, pinching my nipple between my thumb and my pointer finger. I sighed as I imagined Sam standing over me with longing. I spread my legs and brought my other hand down into the soft folds of my womanhood. I stuck two fingers inside myself and used my thumb to rub deep circles across my already swollen nub. Pleasure began to seep though my body as I pictured Sam draw his tongue down my stomach and across my thighs. I widen my legs and began to pick up the pace. My need to feel him inside of me becoming primal as my orgasm came closer and closer to spilling over the edge of my senses. I was breathing in short gasps now, I was almost there. My eyes snapped open and I turned towards the open window. Through the haze of my lust I thought I saw a dark figure standing just outside. I was startled but could not bring myself to stop, I was so close to the edge. My head cleared just enough that the face of the figure came into focus. His piercing eyes watched me intently. It was Sam. I gasped audibly and he licked his lips. That one small movement caused my orgasm to come crashing down around me. I maintained eye contact as my fingers slowed their pace and I rode the wave all the way to the end. My hands collapsed at my sides as I tried to catch my breath, our eyes still locked on one another. I blinked and Sam turned to walk away. Another moment and the window was once again empty. Did that really just happen? I crawled up under the covers. As I began to drift off to sleep I was convincing myself it all had just been nothing but my imagination.

I woke the next morning early as the sun hit my face. Ugh.. I shouldn't of left that window open. I got dressed and splashed some water on my face. Grabbing my bag I headed outside. I noticed Sam's car was gone and my heart sunk. Did he even go to sleep last night? I went to turn my key into the motel clerk and inquired about Sam. "Good morning. " I said with a tired smile. I handed my key in and cleared my throat. "Do you remember checking out a rather tall man with long brown hair earlier this morning?" The young clerk seemed thoughtful for a moment. "It was still dark outside but yes, I remember him." "Did he happen to say which way he was headed before he left?" The clerk raised his eyebrow as though he was considering my line of questions. I piped up, "He's an old friend. We got into it last night and I was hoping to catch up to him and apologize." I stated with a guilty smile. "I'm sorry miss. He didn't say much just checked out and left." My shoulders slumped, "Thank you." I left the office to the motel and headed to my car. I got in my car and got on the highway. I wasn't quite sure where I was going and I had absolutely no plan. I just drove.

After a few hours I realized I was approaching the Roadhouse and laughed quietly to myself. I was already sick of driving, not having had nearly enough sleep last night. I knew they'd still be closed and thought I might pull over and just take a short nap before continuing on down the road. I parked in a shaded area behind the establishment and laid my seat back. It didn't take long before I drifted off to sleep. I had fitful dreams about Sam and Dean. I was shouting out to them trying to warn them but it was like they couldn't hear me. I clawed my hand out in desperation as my emotions became overwhelming. Suddenly a man stood before me in a suit and trench coat. His piercing blue eyes seemed to be able to see into my very soul. I gasped and stood back as his hand reached out to place his fingers on my forehead. He spoke to me in a very matter of fact tone. "It's time to wake up Alex. Sam needs you." My eyes suddenly snapped open and I looked around me to see that it was dark outside. Holy hell had I really slept out here in my car all day?

I wanted to talk to Ellen but I didn't know where to start or how much to let her know. So I eyed the Roadhouse in my review mirror as I pulled away to find a gas station. After grabbing some snacks and filling up my tank I hit the road and decided to head northeast towards Wisconsin. I wasn't looking to trek the entire 9 hour drive but maybe He'd be willing to meet me halfway. I dialed the number and a joyful yet comforting voice greeted me on the other side. "Well howdy stranger," Garth's voice rang out. "What can I do you for?" "Hey.. I could really use a familiar face and some sound advice. Anyway you could head southwest and meet me halfway? I'm a little over 8 hours away at this point?" He chuckled on the other end of the line, "You've got some mighty fine timing there Alex. I'm actually in Kansas City Missouri at the moment. Just wrapped up a case. I'm sure Bess won't mind if I stick around a bit longer to catch up with an old friend." I broke out into a wide smile, relief causing my whole body to relax. I hadn't realised I'd been so tense. "You're the best Garth." "Yeah, no problem at all. I'm staying at Holiday Inn out on Highway 152. I'll just book an extra night so there's no rush." "Perfect. I'll see you in a couple of hours." I turned on some music and tapped my fingers in time to the song. Feeling hopeful I made the drive south to KC.

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