2.6 - it's not u (mostly)

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His loud volume made you wince.

Eraserhead irritatedly rubbed at the permanent wrinkles between his dark eyebrows. "Calm down-"

"I wasn't fucking scared of you," you quietly said, interrupting the fatigued hero. Your voice paused, and you finally lifted your hard gaze, staring at him from the front of the classroom. "That's not the fucking reason. It's not you."

You looked down at your school shoes, suddenly sorry and ashamed. Bakugou was clearly affected by your panic attack. He probably felt bad, thinking he made you cry and all. Or maybe he's ruthless and was just mad you made him seem so villainous in front of all those Pros. But maybe you shouldn't feel bad. You should consider this payback for putting you into a coma. Even if he didn't remember it, it still happened and while he was able to simply move on and go on with his day, you lost months of your life because of him.

"It's your eyes," you mumbled, but to the class it was incoherent and inaudible. Eraserhead and Midnight heard it clearly and gave each other a weary glance. Nezu, that little rat, had given them context on your attack so they both know.

Eraserhead put a rough hand on your shoulder and sighed. "Bakugou. Sit down." He sighed. "[last name], there's an extra seat in the back, go sit down."

You stepped away, but not before you heard him whisper to himself in aggravation: "First day trialing the course and she's already causing problems..." You rolled your eyes in annoyance. It's not you causing problems, it's Bakugou!

You walked down the aisle, trying to avoid Bakugou's obviously jutted foot. How immature of him to try to trip you, ugh.

You passed by Shouto, locking eyes for a moment before you passed him. Talk about awkwardddd. And your desk was right behind him, ugh. He turned around in his seat, placing a whiteboard and a black marker on the desk. You looked away, pretending not to even notice him.

Hero names, huh? Hm. Moths. Moth Girl? No, it's a bit too childish. Moth Woman? Nah, that's worse. What about that American urban legend, Mothman, was it? Isn't the Mothman supposed to be scary? Heroes shouldn't be scary. You glanced up at Eraserhead, who was naturally intimidating. Yeah, scary. Mothman will be in your "maybe" list.

You peeked at Shouto's whiteboard directly in front of you. "Shouto." The name was simple and boring, but definitely recognizable. What if your hero name was just [first name]? No, it doesn't fit.

You then glanced over at Yaoyorozu's board. "Creati." That's a really cute name actually.

You secretly pulled out your phone, hiding it under your desk. Your fingers quickly tapped at the screen, searching up: 'moth scientific name.' The result was Gynnidomorpha alisman. Oh, that's way too long. Can you even pronounce that? You then scrolled through images of moths, trying to find wings that looked like yours.

Finally, after maybe 11 minutes of getting sidetracked, you found them - the Emperor moth, or Saturnia pavonia. Saturnia, that's cute! And the eyespots on your wings almost look like the storm on Saturn. You're actually a genius.

In big letters, you wrote down SATURNIA.

"All right, it's almost time for those who are ready to present their names to the class!" Midnight said after about 15 minutes.

A beautiful blond boy stood up and strutted up to the podium. He was actually sparkling. He proudly thrusted his whiteboard above his head. "The name of the Sparkling Hero: I Cannot Stop Twinkling!" How fitting, you couldn't help but snicker a bit at the long name.

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