Back at work.

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*the next day and JJ arrives at work.

He sees Kie serving some customers and then walk into the kitchen, this was his chance to speak to her. He still wasn't sure what the hell was going on last night, and he couldn't get what John B said out of his head.

He walks into the kitchen and she's grabbing some plates of food to take out.

"Hey" he says nervously, he didn't want this to awkward, because that's something they never are, him and Kie don't do awkward.

"Hey" she says coldly and walks out.


They didn't speak the rest of the night, he kept trying to catch her eye but she was obviously trying her best to avoid him. It's just him and Kie closing tonight and the last person just left so it's just them.

"Kie will you please stop ignoring me?!" He finally blurts out.

"I'm not?" She shrugs

"You haven't spoken to me all night?"


"For gods sake just talk to me? I'd rather fight than you give me the silent treatment"

"You need someone to talk to? Try Chloe!"

"Chloe? Kie what the hell are you talking about?"

"I saw you two together last night" she looks down, continuing to wipe down her table to distract herself.

"Kie that was .."

"You didn't have to lie to me you know? If you two are together"

"I wasn't lying, and we aren't together"

"So what was that about last night? She was all over you?"

"So that's why you're ignoring me? Because of her?"

She nods

"She's been a bitch to me and you knew that? And you said you weren't interested in her so?"

"Because I'm not!"

"That's not what it looked like?"

"I'm surprised you even noticed, you seem a little preoccupied"

"What are you talking about?" She asks

"Kie you had your tongue down a random guys throat?!"

"So?" She shrugs "you were with Chloe?"

He sighs loudly "your a head fuck"

"Oh I'm the head fuck?!" She almost laughs

"Your kissing someone else but your angry with me because Chloe was flirting and I told her to fuck off?" He asks totally confused.

"I only kissed him because I saw you with her!"

"But I wasn't kissing her was I?!"

"Ok ... maybe I .... Overreacted"

"But ... you cared? When you saw us together?" He asks

"JJ obviously I care?!" She blurts out surprising herself and him.

"Who is it obvious to? Because it wasn't to me?"

"John B's right, we're both idiots" she shakes her head

"John B? What'd he say?"

"Look it doesn't matter just .... Please don't flirt with her in front of me again, ok?"

"Fine then don't kiss random guys in front of me"

"Deal" she smirks offering her hand

"He smirks back at the gesture but shakes it.

"But just to clarify, me kissing that guy, it made you jealous?" She teases

"Don't push your luck" he smirks

Work romance  ~ a Jiara storyWhere stories live. Discover now