Chapter 5

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They rest of the day was quite, when in the womens locker room Angela had went up to lucy and said "hey, so I was wondering you wanted to grab some drinks with me" lucy knew she had plans with tim that night so she said "urm I've got plans tonight sorry" Angela knew she 100% had plans with tim and said "pleaseee lucy, can't you just cancel, you don't want me to drink on my own do you" lucy looked at her and said "god fine, but you owe me"...

In the mens locker room, jackson went up to tim and said "hi tim I just wanted to know if you wanted to grab a drink with me, you know catch up" tim knew he had plans with lucy and said "oohhh sorry buddy, I have plans tonight maybe tomorrow" with that said he got a message, he opened his phone to see lucys name pop up, lucy had changed her name in his phone when she was still a rookie, even though tim was so stuck on telling everyone he hated it, he secretly adored it...


L: hey, sorry to do this on short notice but, I'm going out with ang for some drinks, reschedule for tomorrow 😘

T: sure no problem, text me when you get home so I know your safe xx


Tim turned to jackson and said "oh urm nevermind, my schedule just became free" jackson turned around with a giant smile on his face and said "yeah okay well hurry up and meet me in thr garage" tim went out and waited for jackson, but first he ran into lucy, he saw her dressed up in a nice black dress, with her hair down in her natural wavy curls, tim walked upto her looked around to make sure noone was around as he said
"heyy, what are you doing here I thought you and ang was going out" and he placed his hand on her lower back as they walked to the garage together, lucy smiled and said
"We are but she's taking longer to get dressed so I'm waiting in the garage for her" tim smiled and said
"okay well since you canceled on me I'm going out with jackson" lucy gazed up and him and gave him a quick kiss before saying
"Yeha sorry about that" they both then heard footsteps so they moved further away from eachother, lucy saw a little bit of her lipstick on the corner of his mouth so she looked and him and wiped her then largened her eyes to tell him to wipe his, but he didn't get it so she whispered
"Lipstick on your lip" tim nodded and wiped it off his lip then they heard the door open...

They turned around and says jackson and Angela walking together, they walked upto tim and lucy and Angela said
"hey, look who I ran into and we was having a little chat and turns out tim and jackson are going out for drinks so I though tim and jackson are going out for drinks, lucy and I are going out for drinks so why not just go together right" tim and lucy didn't think much of it and just nodded, they all got into a cab because they knew they had they day off so they knew for a fact they wasn't going home without being drunk first, they got to the bar and they all had a pint then came along shots around after 3 shots in Angela need the bathroom and jakcson went to get some more shots leaving tim and lucy sat on there own next to eachothet st the table, then a tall man with dark brown eyes, black hair and a gorgeous smile with nice fangs came over started hitting on lucy, lucy smiled at him and said "hi, I'm sorry but I'm seeing someone but you look like a really nice guy though" the guy didn't seem to know what no meant so he parked on angleas seat on the other side of lucy, he put his arm around he and said
"Oh c'mon whoever the guy is im sure he don't have nothing on me, now let me buy you a drink and take you to the bedroom" tim was so annoyed with him but he knew lucy could handle herself so he left it for now, lucy pushed the guys arm off of her and said
"Look im sorry but im not interested and the guy im seeing has alot on you don't worry and even If I was single I still wouldn't get in your bed" they stupid guy didn't know when to back off he moved closer to her and said
"Look i know your playing hard to get and thats fine by me, but we already know your gonna end up in my bed tonight so c'mon and also wheres your little boyfriend now, because all I see is a bunch of deadbeat loosers and then I see you"...

Tim got absolutely outraged so he moved his hand around lucys waist and pulled her a little then guided her to his lap, he moved one hand holding her back and the other cupping her face and kissing her before leaning next to the guy and saying
"her little boyfriends here but I've seen her take down mafia bosses and big body builder guys, I've also seen her and her amazing takedowns aswell as her awesome skills with a gun, and oh yeah I forgot I'm pretty sure I can see her arresting you for harassment if you don't leave her alone, and by the way we're both police officers so I have alot on you and I could find your entire life out with a click of a button now I suggest you leave and don't come back before I have to use my fighting skills for something other than training"
The man looked so scared and he bolted then lucy moved back to her chair and said
"Well I guess next time I want you to kiss me I'll have to find a man to hit on me" they both laughed then they saw jackson and anglea walk over, anglea and jacksom sat down and not even a millisecond after they sat Angela says
"OMG guys what that all about" tim didn't know if lucy had told jackson yet, and lucy didn't know if tim had told anglea yet so lucy just said "tim, mind helping me out with getting my tequila idk how to get them to give me a big glass" tim knew lucy was making an exuse but thats what he needed so he said "yeah c'mon" they got to the bar and ordered 2 tequilas (lucy and ang) and 2 whiskeys (tim and jack) while they waited for the drinks lucy said "so basically I told jackson about yk but that's only because he's my bestfriemd and I know for a fact you've either already told ang or your going to tell ang and I just wanna know, did you tell ang?" Tim put his hand out to tell her to calm down and said "ang already knows and I'm fine with jackson along as it says with us 4 and that's it" lucy smiled and there drinks came, they took the drinks to table and Angela said
"Sooo??" Lucy smiled and said
"Well basically this guy hit on me and wouldn't take no for an answer so tim and showed what was what and tim told him things to scare him off" lucy then remembered his bruised knuckles so she grabbed his hand and move her fingers across them back and forth as she looked at him then at his knuckles them back at him then she whispered
"are you sure your okay" tim smiled and looked down at his knuckles then back at lucy and said in a low tone
"Yes I promise its fine, im fine, I cut it a little but don't forget you cleaned it and stuff so it feels perfectly fine" Angela couldn't hear them but she looked down at there hands holding eachtlother on the table and saw his knuckles, she grabbed his hand and said
"Omg tim what happened" tim looked at lucy, yhem Angela looked at lucy and said
"Lucy do you know" lucy didn't know what to say so she just said
"Its was nothing okay hes fine" tim agreed with her and nothing else git said about it, jackson and Angela had gotten tim and lucy not too drunk that they'll forget in the morning but drunk enough for them to do karaoke and dance, anglea knew they all had the day off the next day so it was fine.
After all the dancing and karaoke they all sat down, jackson and anglea kept begging tim and lucy to kiss for them, but tim and lucy was persistent with the no's, then it got to then end of the night and wesley picking them up that lucy forgot tamara was having friends over and she was supposed to be crashing at jacksons, but then tim remember he left his house keys in his locker, and jackson forgot he had lucy staying over, aswell as lucy forgetting, so Angela offered for tim and lucy to stay at hers, so they all went back to hers and Wesley's, Angela offered them the spare room but when they got through the doors they plummeted on the couches and fell asleep.


Idk when part 6 will be I've been really ill lately and am currently in the hospital so I only really write rn when I feel okay and when I'm not busy with trying to do school subjects online- I hope you all understand

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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