chapter 1

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This all takes place after 5×1
In this story Lucy decides on her own to go to uc school and when she got back tim and lucy didn't speak about anything that happened and went on as normal...

Tim and lucy was in the shop on a calm shift when lucys phone won't stop pining with messages, tim looks at her in curiosity as lucy puts her phone on silent and says "sorry", tim couldn't help but ask who it was in which lucy replied "I broke up with Chris and he won't stop texting me and keeps blowing up my phone" she pauses and looks away from tim then continues "I've blocked him many times but he keeps making new accounts on social media and getting new numbers to call and text me on, tim I don't know what to do" tim looks at lucy a little shocked as he was processing the information as he was thinking what it meant... *lucy had said she broken up with chris but she never specified why, was it because she was feeling the same way as me, did she feel an attraction to me, did she feel the sparks and compassion I felt when we kissed undercover or did she do it all because it was necessary and she didn't feel anything at all* but he broke himself away from his thought as he asked "do you know where abouts he is now?" Lucy nodded her head then tim continued to say "good, maybe we should pay him a little visit and remind him what he's doing is harassment especially to a police officer" lucy looked at him searching for his emotions and said "tim.... can i-urmm tell you the reason why" tim quietly said a hesitant "yes" to which lucy replied "but before I do tim promise...... promise you won't get angry or do anything to hurt anyone" tim was getting impatient and more intrigued, but as lucy said the last sentence she placed her hand on tim bicep and ghosted a trail down his arm to where his hand was and held him there as to show she means her words.

Lucy then began to explain "so tim i-urmm basically the reason I broke up with Chris is one night 3 weeks ago to be exact he had, had way to much to drink" tim was scared as to where this was going but let her carry on "and he came into the apartment, luckily tamara was out and he was getting reay aggressive towards me when I told I wasn't in the mood of anything that night" lucy was looking into tims eyes as she felt his body tense, his fist flex, and his jaw clench, tim was now looking into lucys eyes, watching her fight away the brink of tears begging to escape, as she continues the story he starting getting a burning feeling inside him and when she said 'he was getting really aggressive towards her' he knew the feeling was anger,
who knew just a small sentence would make him feel so much anger but he kept his mouth shut and lucy lucy continue "when I told him I wasn't in the mood and I was tierd he tried forcing himself onto me, i-i was in bed in just a long tee as I wasn't expecting for any of this to happen, and he undressed himself and I thought" she pauses and then continued "i thought he was getting in bed, but then he-he" her voice was now breaking with the word coming out of her mouth but she still pushed herself to continue the story "he put his hand on my thigh and started to make his way further up, I pushed him off and he got more aggressive and moved ontop of me and" at this point tear was rolling down her face and tim hand moved his hands to cup hers to tell her 'don't worry im here' lucy continued "and he restrained me and I couldn't move, I was so scared I was frozen in place and he squirmed his hands inbetween my thighs and i was trying my hardest to keep my legs clammed shut, but it was no use tim, he pried my legs open and he-he" lucy was sobbing remembering the horrible image and the feelings she was feeling, tim was looking at her with fury in his eyes but also sympathy and empathy in his eyes, he had always thought she had been through too much pain growing up with her parents, and then being kidnapped, tortured and then dying and facing her abducter not long afterwards and now this, this little boy thought he could do this to her, but he kept his words to himself and listened and lucy went on "he pushed himself into me and I begged him to stop, and I tried- tim I tried so hard to shove him off and get him off of me but it just wouldn't work, when he had finished, he smiled at me, tim he smiled at my pain, he got dressed and left in a drunken state, after he left I was trembling and I couldn't help but cry, i got up to go in the shower, to scrub him off of me but when I got up I looked at the sheets to where I was laid and i saw blood a massive pool of it, and my yk was throbbing and it was hurting so bad, and it was so sore, I checked myself out and I was all bruised and somehow he managed to tear a little bit of me open, I went on the shower and scrubbed myself for so long tim- tim I don't even know how long I was in there for, but all I know is that it was a long time, because It started getting light outside, and when I looked at my body it was all red, sore and had marks to where I had scrubbed myself so hard"

She was uncontrollably sobbing now but still trying to explain "I got out of the shower and I heard my alarm, I turned it off and thats when I called up and asked for my personal day, then I called Chris and told him we was done and to not ever contact or come near me again then I got all of his stuff and burned it, but he won't stop trying to contact me, then I changed all the locks and got a restraining order, and took the full week off and just sat in the shower scrubbing away" she finished and looked at tim in the eyes, tims eyes softened and he engulfed her in a hug he then said "lucy have you told anyone about this, also where will he be" lucy replied still embraced in his hug "tim your the only person I've told and please tim... I'm begging don't arrest Chris I don't want everyone to know what happened, I told you because I only feel safe when I'm with you and I feel comfortable and I know I can tell you anything" she pauses and sighs "I know letting him walk free isn't any good but tim please I don't want anyone else to know and- and if you arrest him everyone will have to know" tim reassued her "lucy I promise you I will not arrest him, or tell anyone anything and lucy I promise you now, nothing bad will ever happen as I'm going to make sure I'm by your side now please lucy tell me where he is"

Lucy believed every word that came out of his mouth so she told him, as they got to the destination lucy began to calm a little, no longer crying but her stress and dried tears was visible on her face, as tim was getting out of the shop to go to Chris's  house he said to lucy "right, I want you go stay in the shop unless your certain you want to come with me, but only if your certain" lucy debated it for awhile and got out of the truck, tim looked at her and asked "lucy are you 100% sure about this" lucy just nodded and followed him, lucy didn't know what tim was going to do, she thought he'd scream at him, threaten him but never, never in 100 years would she think he would do what he did.
They walked upto Chris's House and tim knocked on his door, chris walked over and opened it, when he saw tim standing next to a very clearly upset and agitated lucy his knees began go shake, tim walked in the door pushing past him and dragged him by the scruff of his collar and threw him to the floor then began to scream "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, YOY GET THE MOST GORGEOUS GIRL IN THE WORLD, TREAT HER LIKE SHIT THEN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HER THEN YOU- YOU HARRASS HER!" Chris got up off the floor and put his hands up as to say back off and said "heyy hey watch it she asked for it wearing nothing but a tee and she-she enjoyed it" chris had a look proudness in his eyes and tim couldn't control himself he swung a puch directly at Chris catching his face and knocking him off balance, placing him on the floor, and tim begin to scream "SHE ASKED FOR IT- DID SHE FUCK SHE WORE WHAT SHE FELT COMFORTABLE IN, TO HER BED IN HER APARTMENT, IF SHE ASKED FOR ANYTHING IT WAS FOR YOU TO STOP, BUT YOUR A LITTLE FUCKING SCUM AND DIDNT, INSTEAD YOY FORCED YOURSELF INTO HER, BETRAYING HER TRUST, SHE BEGGED AND PLEADED FOR YOU TO STOP AND YOU WHAT--- YOU CARRIED ON AND WHEN YOU FINISHED YOU SMILED AND LAUGHED AT HER PAIN AND WALKED OUT" tim threw another punch and another and another, he felt himself let go and couldn't control himself.

He got Chris up off of the floor and pinned him to the walk while Chris was wailing for tim to stop and tim just laughed and scream "OH SO YOU WANT ME TO STOP, JUST LIKE HOW YOU STOPPED WHEN LUCY SAID TO" tim hit him again but held him up so he couldn't go to the floor, he was chocking Chris before he loosened his grip and threw him a body shot, then another, and another and another until he lost count then he heard her, he heard lucy she was saying "tim, tim come on tim we need to go the neibours called lapd, noone knows we're here, you'll get in so much trouble" tim let's go of chis, as Chris's body slammed to the floor as tim turned to leave, before he turned back and kicked him in the stomach and screamed "YOU FUCKING SCUM, YOUR LUCKY LUCY WAS HERE OR YOU'D BE DEAD AND I'D GLADLY TAKE THE CONSEQUENCE".....

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