chapter 2

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Lucy ran out of the door, then she heard tim screaming she ran back and grabbed his hand, tim and lucy ran to the shop and tim sped off, luckily they spent that long there it was 10 minutes after their shift so tim drove to the station and they was silent the whole drive, when they got to the station they walked in the hallways before tim turned to lucy and said "meet me in the garage near my truck when your finished in there" about 20 minutes later they was both freshly showered and lucy got dressed before tim so she left and stayed by his truck, his truck was in the far corner, emerged in the dark so it took her afew seconds to spot it but she found it...
Lucy was wondering what tim wanted *does he want to say somthing important, no no he'll just want me to keep my mouth shut about today*

Tim walked out and saw lucy waiting by his truck, he walked over and lucy said "tim what is this about, because if its about earlier I won't tell anyone" tim nodded his head said "no lucy its not that its something completely different" tim stepped closer to lucy and lucy could feel her heart pounding, she didn't know what he was doing but she didn't care, she had to restrain herself from kissing tim, lucy looked up and him her heart racing as she took a tiny step back causing her back to meet with the coldness of tims truck, she kept her eyes at a gaze with tims as she spoke softly almost at a whisper "tim, what- what is this about then" tim kept his eyes on her and he scanned her from head to toe, taking the beauty of her in, then he stepped in closer to her, lucy could feel the tims body heat, as they was inches away from eachother, lucy didn't know what else to do other than stay silent, and then tim grabbed her hand and said "no not here I can't tell you here, get in the truck and ill explain" just as he said that they hear the door from the station leading to the garage open, and two people talking, tim didn't know what else to do so he stepped into lucy so their bodys was touching and he put a finger to her lips... Lucy was at a total loss for words so she just looked at him, they heard the two people drive off, but stayed in the position for a little longer to be sure, when they was certain, tim stayed in the same position because he didn't want to let lucy go, so lucy moved her hand to where his finger layed on her lips and grabbed him, she lowered his hand down but kept ahold and pulled him to the side as she moved she said "we need to continue out conversation in the truck don't we" tim finally regained control of himself and got in the drivers seat and watch lucy get into the passenger....

Tim drove out of the station and to a tiny dark road that nobody used and barely anyone knew existed, the dark road was more of a trail as it was on dried mud and pebble, inbetween two rows of bushes and trees, tim drove further down the road until the only light they could see was tims headlights, tim switched the truck off and turned to lucy.
Lucy had only just noticed his bruised, swollen, and cut knuckles when he turned towards her, without thinking in through lucy grabbed tims hand and said softly "is this from earlier" tim said "yes, but lucy that doesn't matter right now i-" lucy moved her thumb slowly going over his knuckles as she cut him off and said " yes, yes it does matter tim, you hurt yourself trying to protect me" then she looked up and tim and whispered "im sorry" tim looked down at her meeting her eyes as he said "lucy you have nothing to be sorry for, and before you even think about cutting me off before I explain what I've been wanting to say, don't" tim paused for a seccond to make sure lucy wouldn't interject his explanation, lucy just nodded letting him know she would stay quiet and he started to explain...

"So lucy basically, what happened earlier i don't know, I just lost all control when I thought of you being hurt by that scum, I'm always so protective over you and I don't know why, but lucy what happened isn't your fault and I spoke to the police officer that went to his after the neibours called and the officer said, he has a broken nose, fractured ribs and he had blood all over his face, I know you don't want to hear this but you need to lucy, the officer said he did t say anything about what happened, and that the officers can't do anything else about it and said that whoever 'hurt' him has got away with it" tim stoppeded to let lucy take in the information and then said "lucy i understand if you want to tell grey and thats 100% fine because what I did was out of line, and lucy I- i'll understand if you don't want to speak to me again but please before you make your decision let me say one more thing" tim shifted in his seat and moved his hand so he was holding lucys hand and so softly he said "lucy I did it because what he did wasn't right not to anyone, but especially not to you, lucy, not to you, your such a nice person you perfect in every way you the most gorgeous woman in the world and, he just doesn't know how lucky he was to have you, anyone, including me would jump at the chance to be with you and he just didn't understand your worth and something just came over me and I lost control"

Lucy looked up at him and smiled then she said "tim, you'd jump at the chance to be with me?" Tim didn't know what to do as his cheeks became red and his heart began to pound, he scratched his head, and turned to lucy he moved his hands from hers and cupped her face, lucy didn't know what to do and she just melted into tims touch, she thought she wouldn't want anyone to go near her after what happened with Chris, because she didn't feel safe, but she knew tim, she knew he would never in a million years do anything to hurt her and all she wants is to feel his touch and be in his arms, tim felt lucy lean in the touch and he was reassured that she was okay with it, he began to say "lucy, yes of course i'd jump and any chance to be with you, in anyway possible weather its to just be your friend, or more than that, lucy anyone would jump at the chance to be with you and if they don't then they don't know what their missing out on, lucy I know your going through alot right now, and judgement is probably clouded I don't want to make you anymore upset or confused but I have to get this out for me, lucy I've had feeling for you for awhile now, and at first I tried to ignore them but after Vegas I had to accept it, and after today I know for 100% and I need you to know that I would do anything at all for you" he paused and swallowed the lump in his throat, lucy knew how hard it was for him to express what he feel and to tell someone, she moved her hands to his face and placed her forhead to his then he said "lucy I just needed you to know and I don't want you to feel like you have to say something now or st all even I just- I just needed to get it off of my chest" lucy cut him off and said "tim I feel the same way, tim I have feeling for you tim I always feel safe around you and I have feeling when I'm around you that I dont have with anyone else" she moved her head and her lips was hovering right infront of tims...

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