Chapter 13: Inspiration

Start from the beginning

                       Adrien began to chuckle again making Marinette giggle at the situation. "Again, my apologies Princesse. I shall not enter your creative atmosphere without permission again," he bowed, looking up to meet her eye, with a small smirk on his lips. Marinette couldn't stop giggling at his antics. It was the first time she had seen him act so silly since they met. "You must have had a good day, kind Knight, you seem in a good mood, was it work or something else?" Marinette questioned. Standing straight, smirk still on his face Adrien replied, "knight huh?" "You did say you were trying to keep me safe right? Isn't that the Knights job when it comes to the Princesse?" Marinette smiled and curtsied, trying not to giggle. "Ah but ma petite Souris, it twas your state at my arrival that brightened my day. It was nice to see you enjoying yourself." Pink covered her cheeks, spreading down her chest, as she looked away, "thank you, Adrien, really, I can't thank you enough for the sewing supplies and materials! After finding out we are going to a ball, I needed inspiration to create something beautiful. I can't show up with a vampire to a ball and not look my best, I mean I'm just plain, well me." Marinette slowly moved her eyes back to Adrien's, trying to keep her blush in check, he was so gorgeous it was hard for her to keep her heart from pounding in his presence, especially since she was sure she was starting to crush a little on the blonde vampire. "Mari, you are anything but plain." Grabbing a stray hair, that had fallen from her pigtails, and feeling it between his finger and thumb. Neither removing their eyes from the others, Adrien begun to lean down, dropping her strands of hair and placing the hand on her hip. Marinette could feel his breath on her face as she closed her eyes slowly, hoping he couldn't hear her heart beating, but knowing he probably could, he was a vampire after all. As his lips finally began to brush hers, a shrill bell rang, causing them to jump apart.

                 Adrien ran his hand through his hair with a groan, landing on the back of his neck as he rubbed nervously. "Someone's uh... ringing the door, I'll be right back." Moving to the elevator entrance and pushing the answer button, "yes, can I help you?" Adrien questioned the caller. "Hello, Mr. Agreste, this is Luka Coffaine, the doorman in the lobby. Ugh, I'm here to pick up Marinette for a party at my place tonight." Turning to Marinette, whose eyes widened, and hands fiddled with the hem of her shirt. Adrien raised an eyebrow as he asked "you planning to tell me about this? I really don't think it's a good idea for you to go out at night Marinette, it's not safe." His stern look made her wonder if the almost kiss had actually happened. "I was going to mention it, but with all this," she motioned between them and her sewing materials, "I forgot. I do what to go though, I don't have any friends here, it would be nice to go out and have some fun" Standing straight, Adrien pushed the elevator button, to allow Luka to enter the penthouse. She could tell he wasn't excited about the idea. "I cannot keep you here against your will Marinette, but I want you to know I don't like it, not one bit." Well, you aren't my father or my boyfriend, you are my employer!" She was getting frustrated at his insinuations, even if they did almost kiss.

                          The elevator opened as Luka stepped in as she finished, "plus, Luka will be there, I'll stay with him the whole time." Looking over at Adrien, Luka could see the flames in his eyes, "I promise to keep her safe Mr. Agreste," Luka smiled, looking to Marinette. "Come on Melody, let's go," he held out his hand for her to take. Looking down at herself and blushing at the nickname, "I. Need to Change. I can't wear this, sorry I was working, and I forgot," she started fumbling with her words as she turned to rush to her room, but Luka stopped her. "It's fine, Melody, no need to dress up. It's just a casual hangout. You look great!" Luka heard Adrien growl under his breath, but refused to look at him, knowing he could tear him limb from limb if he really wanted to, he was human, he couldn't fight a vampire. Though knowing he was getting to him was exhilarating. Backing to the elevator, Luka waited as Marinette grabbed her phone and purse, swinging it over her shoulder and entered with him. "Don't wait up Adrien, I'll be back late," she waved at him, a small smile on her lips. The lips Adrien had almost kissed. He continued to stare at the elevator, eyes ablaze until the doors shut and the sound of the motor lowering them to the lobby hummed filling the silence. Running his hand back through his hair again, he heatedly, stomped off to his suite, unable to stifle his emotions.

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