Chapter 11

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              I woke up in Hasans bed three days after the party. I had been with him all week but today i had to go home becuase he was going to Japan.  I stood up off of his bed and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, my hair was slighty messy and my mascara was smuged a little. I threw some water under my eyes. 

I walked into the kitchen and Hasan was sitting at his table eating and scrolling on his phone, he pointed to the oven that had a pan and an egg on it with a plate of buttered toast next to it. "I made you some breakfast, I know its not a lot but i have to go shopping after i get back." He said looking gulity. "Oh, Hasan theres no need to be upset. I'm glad you made me some breakfast." I was very thankful that he cooked for me, in a way it showed that he cared for me. I thought that was kind-of sweet.

I sat down across from him after grabbing the food. We sat talking about what we were going to do before he had to go to the airport for his 9pm flight to Japan. It was currently 9:37 am, so we had about twelve hours to go check on Tara, find a ride for Hasan, Will, and Ludwig to the airport because I had to stream at 7:30 with Willow and Vanilla, get Valkerye's stuff at Hasans house so she could house and dog sit for the week, and pack up the rest of things Hasan need for his trip.

We finished break fast and head to my house so i could get dressed for the day and let Willow know I was still alive. We arrived and I had fumbled the key and promtley dropped it in a vent before i even got to my floor. I had to text Willow to let me in. I had gotten dressed and walked to my jewerly box to put on some diamond earings my aunt bought me for my birthday when i was 16.

I closed my jewerly box and went to the living room ready to take Hasan and Willow to go see Tara, but Willow was acting weird around Hasan. I just brushed it off and we headed to Hasans car. The ride was around 20 minutes. We had finally arrived at the hospitial, and Willow had said she needed  to talk to Tara first, I let her but was very suspious of her behaviour. I had tried to listen in on their converstion but couldnt really hear, other than "Just don't bring it up, I don't think either of them know...". Me and Hasan were luaghing about a child running around and going face first into a window when Willow came out to come get us.

"Omg, Wills, You missed it. He- oh- he hit t-the window." I said while still luaghing and using Hasan as support so i wouldnt fall. When I had offically recoverd from watching that dumbass kid eat absoulte shit, I walked into the room Tara was in and it had seemed so much brighter than when i had visted her a couple days ago. 

"Hey lovely! How ya' feeling?" I said sitting near her knees rubbing her hand.

"My wrists are looking better! Hi Hasan." Tara said showing me her bandages, seemingly shy under the gaze of Hasan. I mean to be fair, she hasn't really met him, and he's only seen her coverd in blood on her own bathroom floor. Hasan responded with a wave and 'Hi' with his beautifully blinding smile.

"Thats good, they treatin' you right in here?" I asked, when her mom pulled this, the nurses and doctors were complete dicks to her, and i'll do anything to make sure Tara is comfortable in any setting.

We sat talking to Tara for an hour, and her and Hasan seemed to really be getting along. They seemed like life long bestfriends. Eventually the time had reached 12 and me and Hasan still had things to do. So we left and took Willow home and we went to Will's house so we could help him pack. And boy, did he have a lot of things to pack, and we still had to bring Valk to Hasans and get her set up

we ended up finishing packing at 2, and we were on our way to Valk's house and help her pack her clothes and like half of her set up. She had been real touchy with Hasan and would be kinda a bitch to me the entire time and when Will kept trying to get things going she would be a bitch to him too.

We had finished and it was around 4:27 and me and Will had called ted and asked him to take them to the airport since Lud had done everything prior, like a smart person, and had Blaire take him.

I had Hasan take me back to my appartment because Valk was pissing me off, but me and Will were texting eachother about her the entire car ride and were even now too. I was setting up stream while still texting Hasan and Will. I had offically started stream and started up Lethal Company and Discord and quickly texted the girls i was ready.

We ended up streaming for three hours, and it was 10:48 and i texted Hasan saying the stream was over and asked how the plane ride was going. Not expecting an answer from him for a while, I turn my tv on to hamitlon and change into a pair of undies and a oversized hoodie. I layed down on my bed and opened twitter, I see my inbox is blown open. I open my noitafactions and scroll untill i see something that catches my eye. "Hasan and Valkayre making out at Ted Nivison's creator party?". My eyebrows raised and I clicked the notifacation expecting it to be clickbait. It wasnt. 

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