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Tara Manore's P.O.V.

I messed up. Theres blood everywhere. I can't see straight, it's blurry, I can't breathe, I can't think. I grab my phone and text Indie.


Help, please. Indie I need help. I don't know what happened. Please text me back. please

I tried cleaning the blood I was making it spred everywhere. I couldn't keep it in anymore, I broke down. I sat on the floor of my bathroom crying. jesus christ i'm so pathetic, I should just kill my self. Nobody would miss me. Every one would be happier if i was just..... gone.

I heard Indie knocking on my door. I blacked out.

Indie's P.O.V.

"I swear to god if shes not okay-" I got cut off by Hasan.

"Indie, I'm sure shes fine."

I sighed, I knocked a couple more times and still no answer. I squated down and grabbed her key from under neath her mat. I unlocke dthe door and walked in.

"Tara? Tara!" i walked around looking for her.

"Hey Hasan?"


"Will you check her room? I'm gonna check the bathroom."

"uh yup?"


I screamed at the top of my lungs and Hasan came running. He was about to say something but stopped when he looked in the bathroom. I ran in the bathroom, dropping to my knees. I start crying. I grabbed Tara and tried to wake her up, I picked her up putting her in the tub. I tried standing but I almost fell if it wasn't for Hasan catching me. I couldn't look at her I just turned to Hasan as he pulled me into his chest.

"W-what do I do?" I mumbled

"Darling, look at me, you're gonna take a couple of deep breathes and were gonna sit in here and call 911 and it will be all okay. I promise."

"Okay. I got this, but what do we do about the... blood?" I gestured to the floor and tub.

"Here just call and I'll clean. " He said handing me his phone.

I quickly called 911, and explained what happened. They said they'll be here in a couple of minutes. I sat on the sink and staired at Tara lying in the tub. Then it hit me.

"check her pulse."


"check her pulse." I said in a really stern mannar. He checked and low in behold, she was alive. I called her dad, and explained the whole thing to him. I heard his voice wabble. The sad part about this is, Tara's mother killed herself the same way Tara just tried to. I sat there thinking, crying, and wishing I got here sooner.

I was sitting on the couch with Tara next to me, we were watching 'Shameless'. Tara's mom was babysitting me and Tara and she was off in the kitchen making us food, or so we thought. We hurt a loud thud and we raced up stairs to her mothers room were the origin of the noise was. I saw Taras mom, her writs were slit wide open, her head was on the ground, her eyes were completely white. I screamed and I told Tara to look away and grab my phone. She ran back up the stairs and handed me my phone. I called 911 first then my mom, and Taras dad. 20 minutes went by while me and Tara sat in her room. She kept asking about her mom and I kept telling her everything would be okay.

"Indie? Indie!" Hasan said waving his hand in my face.

"Oh, Uh. Huh?" I asked looking up from the tub to him.

"Are you okay? You were zoned out for a good 10 minutes."

"Oh, yeah I'm good. just remembering old things. I'll explain later."

The police came in and i showed them the tub Tara was in. They carried her off outside and asked if I wanted to come along. I declined as I watched her dad show up and take that place. Hasan and I walk to his car. and I remember the movie date Friday. Shit.

"Uhm Hey Hasan" I said in a sing-song voice

"Yes?" He replied the same way.

"Uhm I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie Friday with my friend Blaze and her Boyfriend. you dont have to go, I'll find someone else If-"

"yes, Indigo. I would love to go." I smiled and texted Blaze.

Weird icyy

Hey I got a date you just gotta pick us up.


Ight, see you Friday bebe

I closed my phone and prayed Tara would be okay, He got to my appartment and dropped me off. We said our goodbyes and I told him I'd text him later about the movie details after i found out Tara was okay.

I sat up all night thinking about Tara and sitting next to my phone waiting for it to light up, or buzz or ding. Then it Buzzed and I checked it.


Hey Indie, I'm fine. Thank you for showing up. I love you. I'm sorry i put you through that again.

Indigo My Love<3

No, Tara. You're perfect and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you in time, I just hope you'll text me sooner, or talk to me. I Love you too.

And with that I fell asleep.


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