She was.

A huge smile appeared on his face.

"Soph what?" He asked.

She snort laughed.

"Sophia what?" He asked.

"Ugh deaf ass." She said.

He laughed.

"Oh i could kiss you right now! Thank you!" He said.

"Heh- Kiss." She replied.

"Not literally." He defended.

She burped.

"Why'd i even correct myself its not like your gonna remember this." He mumbled.

"Huh?" She asked.

He laughed and shook his head.

"Im just gonna get you home." He said.

"Home- No! No I can't! My mom can't know i drank!" She yelled, slowly realizing what's happening.

"Where am I supposed to bring you then Soph?" The boy asked, a caring look appearing on his face.

"To you house!" She said.

"No, my moms home and she'll
just-" He started.

She put a finger on his mouth.

"Just take me to your house man-tail."
She said.

"Man-tail?" He asked.

"Heh- Man ponytail." She giggled.

He sighed.

"Fine, my house it is." He said.

"Ughhhh im so nauseousssss.." She groaned.

"Yea im just gonna text your mom." He said.

A few minutes later the two arrived at Miguel's house.

When they walked in Miguel's mother, Wendy was sitting on the couch.

"Hi ma." Miguel said.

"Hey hun, and.. Sophia." She replied.

"Hi Wendy, your like really pretty and so is your son so you've got good genes." Sophia replied.

"Is she drunk?" Wendy asked.

"Yes but don't tell anyone." Miguel said.

"Ill ask more questions tomorrow, just get her to bed." She replied.

"Night ma." He said.

"Night mijo." She replied.

They smiled at eachother and Sophia burped.

"Hey Miguel.." Sophia said as they walked into the bathroom.

"Yes Soph?" He asked, struggling to keep her up right.

"I think i like-"

She felt sourness come over her face as soon as she said the words.


The whole toilet filled.

"Oh- Oh shit-" Miguel stuttered.

As she hung over the toilet the boy slowly walked over and held up her hair.

She coughed and tears filled her eyes.

"Are you okay?." He asked.

"Im better then before." She replied.

"You sober again?" He asked.

"Definitely." She said.

He stayed quiet and she plopped down on the floor and rested her back against him.

He flushed the toilet.

"Aren't forks weird? And where does wind start?" She asked.

"Yeah your still drunk." He said.

"But.. You agree tho right?" She asked.

"Forks are very weird." He said.

She laughed.

"Do you wanna take a shower or just go to bed?" He asked.

"I wanna take a shower." She said.

"Alright, ill get you a towel and some clean clothes." He replied.

"Thank you Mikey." She said.

"No problem Soph." He replied.

The boy left the room, wondering what she was going to say before she'd thrown up.

What did she like?


Endgame, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now