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Delilah sat in the passenger seat of Conrad's car quietly as Conrad drove. Delilah was slouched down in her seat, gazing out the window. it was dark, the only lights were from the street.

Conrad sighed. Delilah looked over to him, they locked eyes before Delilah quickly pulled away, looking out the window once again.

Conrad placed his hand on delilahs thigh gently Caressing it with his thumb.

Delilah felt goose bumps form on her skin but she moved her hand to sit onto of Conrad's.

"so..." Conrad started.


they got quiet again.

"Conrad... where are we going?" Delilah asked concerned as they turned down a street that was definitely not on the way home.

"I wanna show you something." Conrad said parking the car. He quickly got out the car and ran over to delilahs side to ope the door for her.

Delilah felt her heart flutter as she stepped out the car following Conrad. They were on some part of the beach. A part secluded , delilahs never been there before.

They walked over towards a bridge. that had a gazebo on it.

Delilah looked into the water. It was glowing, Delilah could see all the fish swimming and everything.

"wow." Delilah said, her eyes got wide. "this place is so pretty connie."

"yea. I've always loved it here." Conrad said, smiling and looking around. "I come here all the time when I'm upset." Conrad looked into delilahs eyes, smiling. "it reminds me of you del.. You never let anyone or anything get you down. you always find away passed it. You always end up glowing. I've always loved that about you. I never know how you do it." Delilah smiled. "but this past year... you haven't glowed as much. and it's completely my fault. and I know I've apologized multiple times, but it still hurts me. I think about it all the time. and how much i hurt you. and I really, really wanan make up for it. I wanna Make it up to you." Conrad said, his tone changed to be quieter.

"Connie. it's okay. it was my fault too."

"no del- it wasn't. I haven't been acting weird because of you. matter of fact it has nothing to do with last summer at all. I found out some shit a few months ago. some really bad shit del. I haven't told anyone. and it hurts. I can't keep bottling everything up and acting okay. because im not." tears were now forming in Conrad's eyes.

Delilah looked up at the boy.. she flashed him a sympathetic smile.

"you know you can tell my anything connie."

"okay.. you have to promise not to tell anyone."

"I promise"

"okay uhm... my mom..."

a tear fell from Conrad's eyes. Delilah whiped it away with her thumb.

"she.. she has it again delilah."


"s...she has it. I saw it on her phone.."

"are you sure??"

"yes. I'm positive. I saw the email. she has cancer again dells..." Conrad was now crying. and Delilah was too.

"oh my gosh. Connie I'm so sorry." Delilah hugged the boy who rested his head on her shoulder. he was sobbing.

"I thought you should know. a..and.. I cant- I don't know what to do." he cried.

Delilah felt horrible. no way it was true. there was no way. the doctors said they took care of it.. all that chemo had to mean something.

the pair stayed like that. crying. for what seemed like hours.



November 13th. 2023.

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