His arms

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This will be like a little poem (cringe but I have to get a chapter out)
Tw: sh depression lime mentions

Every time karl came home from work tired and sad because his co workers had teased him
Sapnaps arms were always open for him to cry

Every time he woke up from a nightmare from his past abusive relationship
Sapnaps arms were always open for a comfort hug

Every time karl would wake up
Sapnaps arms were always open for a morning hug reminder that it will all be ok

Every time karl would self harm
Sapnaps arms were always open to hug him and talk about it and why he did it

Every time karl would have a mental breakdown
Sapnaps arms were always open to comfort him

Every time karl felt insecure
Sapnaps arms were in his waist emphasizing that he was perfect

Every time they would fuck
Sapnaps arm were roaming around Karl's body in pure Bliss

Every time they would shower together
Sapnaps arms were right on karls ass squishing it gently

Every time karl would manage to eat
Sapnaps arms were on his shoulders telling him "I'm proud of you"

Every time karl would go to bed
Sapnaps arms were around him cuddling him

Home is not always a place but rather a person  and in Karl's case home was sapnaps arms

Definitely not my best work I'm sorry but I'll try harder next time
I just wanted to get this out<3

Karlnap oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora