Part 10

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After Allison left we finished lunch and went home as well. As we arrived I saw the sheriff car which means my uncle is home. We stepped in and saw Noah sitting at the table having lunch. -H uncle Noah- -Hi dad- we greeted him. -hello kids how was your day? Would you like to have a bite?- he offered -No thanks we ate at school- I declined kindly- -Dad you won't believe who's the new headmaster- started Stiles. -Gerard Argent?- asked Noah. -Yeah how did you know?- he asked with a dumb expression on his face. -Son I'm the sheriff here, and I had to go there because of the boy named Isaac.- he said. -oh yeah- Stiles said in realization. -Well if you don't mind it was a long day and I have homework to do- I said and started to go up to my room. -Before you go I have a little surprise for you guys in the kitchen- he told us. Me and Stiles looked at each other and rushed into the kitchen like two children. When I got there Stiles was already there with his mouth full of donuts. I looked at the counter and saw a box of donuts. -Oh you got us donuts that's so kind of you, thanks- I said as I gave him a big hug. -You're welcome he smiled. I grabbed a cinnamon apple donut which is my all time favourite and went upstairs to do my homework. It wasn't that easy because I couldn't stop thinking about Erica and how's she after todays happening.

Not so easily I managed to do my homework. After that I went straight to the bathroom. I put on some music and made myself a relaxing bath and just sat there soaking myself in the hot water. Later I got out of the water and went straight to bed.

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm which wasn't a lovely sound to wake up to. I washed my face, brushed my teeth. I chose an outfit which is always the hardest part of the morning. I quickly put on some makeup and my hair in a ponytail and went down to eat something. -Good morning. where's uncle Noah?- I asked my cousin. -Good morning he had to go in early- he said shoving a donut into his mouth. - You seriously eating donut again?- I laughed. -You can never eat enough donuts- he winked at me. I laughed out loud then went to the kitchen. I made myself some coffee and toast and sat down next to Stiles to eat it. After breakfast we went straight to school.

First period I had economics with Allison, Stiles, and Scott. Coach Finstock held a really boring class which felt lika an eternity. After class the boys went to literature class or something so me and Allison went straight to world history class. We sat down and chatted a bit before the teacher arrived.

In the middle of class I felt a bit dizzy so I went out to the bathroom. I washed my face and just stood there trying to feel good enough to go back to class. As I turned in the corner I saw Lydia arguing with some guy. I stepped back and tried to eavesdrop but I couldn't really hear anything. I didn't want to make myself known to them so I went around the floor and went back to class. After class we went straight to lunch searching for the two idiots. Stiles was talking to some guy I didn't know so we went and sat next to Scott. -Hi girls- he greeted us. -Hello- we said at the same time. A moment later Stiles rushed to our table happily. -Look what did I get- he said showing us a bunch of keys. -What's that?- i asked. -This my beloved cousin is the key for our afternoon- he said wiggling his eyebrows. I looked at Scott asking for help with my eyes. We thought it would be fun to go ice-skating this afternoon. And he got the keys.- -Oh cool. I love ice-skating- I replied. -It's settled then- Stiles added. I was still a little concerned about Erica and I tought that a little ice-skating will clear my mind.

One minute I looked up from my lunch and I saw the door opening revealing Erica. But she didn't look like before. Her beautiful long blonde hair was curled, she had a black leather jacket and some heels on with red lipstick and a smokey black eye makeup. ''wow'' I thought to myself not taking my eyes off of her. -What the holy hell is that?- asked Lydia as she arrived at our table. -It's Erica- me and scott said at the same time. Then something happened I will not forget ever. She took a boys apple bit into it looked up straight at me and winked at me. I got embarassed so I quickly looked away. -What was that?- Lydia looked at me questioning what she just witnessed. -I don't know- I said in a kinda disturbed voice.

She went out and the guys ran after her so I ran after them too. As we got outside we saw her get in a car. -Of course. Derek Hale- Stiles said as he looked at Scott.

We went inside gathered our stuff and went home and I started to get ready for the skating. I really love skating so I was very excited about this afternoon. I put on some music and started to pick out what I'll wear. Skating was one of my hobbies back in London so I had everything I needed. I picked out my black skating outfit my skates that were white and my white leg warmers. I got dressed put my stuff in my bag and my skates on my shoulder and in a minute I was downstairs waiting for Stiles to finish getting ready. He came out wearing a basic everyday outfit. -Wow you are prepared- he wondered. -Yeah you know I skated back in London.- -Yeah yeah I knew that- he said with a look I can tell he didn't remember. We jumped in the jeep and headed to the ice rink.

Hi guys here's the next chapter hope you'll like it. Vote and leave a comment if you'd like to. <3

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