Part 3

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-I knew you moved out of London, but I didn't know that you moved here. - I said as I took my shoes off, he invited me into their living room and offered me a seat.
-Yeah, what a coincidence. - He smiled strangely, but then said. -Would you like something to drink? Perhaps some orange juice or water? And how did you end up in this particular town, in this particular house? -  He wondered aloud, with a chuckle. "That's a lot of questions," I thought as I answered the simpler one.
-Oh, yeah. A glass of water would be good.  - I replied shyly.
-A glass of water is coming right up. - He nodded, with a light smile. I took a look around the room; it was cozy. As I walked in front of the fireplace, I picked up a picture and began to recognize the people in the pictures. My family and their family were on it, and Allison and I were both four years old and eating a cake. It was a treasured memory, as I began to remember it in my mind,

-Sweetie, are you okay? - Victoria questioned. She picked me up and I looked up at her with teary eyes. As I clung to her neck, she began to walk towards the house. - Don't worry, everything will be fine. Does it hurt?
-Yes - I said. We were running around in the garten with Allison when I accidentally tripped over a rock. My mother didn't mind hearing me sob. She was always like this; she didn't give a damn about me. Instead of her, Victoria came to help me, and now we're in the bathroom, where she is taking care of the wound on my knees.
-It'll hurt a little, but you're a strong little girl. - She said it in a reassuring tone. I held my breath before feeling the sharp pain on my leg. She tried to lessen the pain by blowing on the wound.
-And now we're done. You did an excellent job. - She gave me a pleasant smile. She got to her feet and started putting the first aid kit in the drawer. I looked at her and asked,
-Why doesn't mom loves me? - I asked bluntly. She suddenly stopped in her work and crouched down to my height. I noticed a sad expression on her face.
-She obviously loves you, my darling. But.... - She stopped and looked away.. -You know she just... - But she couldn't  finish, because Allison bursted in. She had worried about me. 
-Rin, are you okay? I know how bad the cream burns, I always cry when mom uses it. - She gabbled  around the words fast. I smiled at her calmingly, and responded,

-It wasn't that bad. 

-Do you want ice in it too? - I flinched at his voice, because I was so into the memories that I remembered from this pic.
-Yeah, that would be good. - I answered him politely, just to stall for time. And in that moment I heard someone coming from upstairs. It was Allison. I put the picture down as I turned to her direction.

-Hi Nesrin, how long have you been waiting for me? - She asked with an apologetic face.
-Hello Allison, I got there like five minutes ago. So don't worry. - I calmed her down with a smile on my face. Her father returned with my water in his hands, she looked at him suprised. She almost started to talk, but her father was faster.
-You didn't even told me that you met with Nesrin. - He looked at her in dissapointment as he handed me the drink, I thanked him quietly.
-You know, you two were really close when you were little.-He stated, but Allison still looked at him confused.
-What are you talking about dad? I think you mixed up her with someone. - She said with a chuckle.
-No, actually he's right. - I agreed. -I thought you were familiar on the first day of school, but I  washed the thought away, but now I know who you are. - I said as I picked the picture from the fireplace up and showed it to her. She looked at it, and her eyes widened at the realization.
-Oh my god, Rin. I can't believe that it is actually you. - She embraced me in a hug.
-Yeah, I'm sorry I didnt recognised you right away, but you changed so much. - I said as a tear flow down on my face. We let go eachother as I wiped my tear away. The sleeves of my hoodie slode up with this movement. Chris saw my bracelet, and suddenly his face wasn't so bright after that. I didn't know what was wrong, but i felt like he shouldn't have seen it. We locked eyes and his glance was terrifying. 

-And what about your parents? - He asked as he started a new conversation. I looked at him and let out a deep sigh,
-Unfortunately, they died about a week ago. - I said as I studied my shoes avoiding eye contact.
-I'm sorry, I didn't know. - He started but I cut him off,
-You don't have to be sorry, it wasn't your fault. - I finally looked at his eyes, and I didn't see any pity or sorrow feelings in it. He took his glaze away quickly, it was very odd.

-Maybe we should start our project- Allison broke the silence.
-Yeah sure. It was nice to see you Mr Argent. He smiled at me as we went to Allison's room. -I'm sorry for your loss- she said as we arrived to her room. - It's okey I didn't really got on well with them. Can we just start the work I don't really like to talk about it- I said as I took out my book to look at the topic we got. - so French Revolution. - she read the title of our excercise. - We have a plenty of books about France in our library downstairs- she said and we went straight to the library.

Hey guys I'm sorry that I disappeared, but it's now summer break so I have more time to write <3

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