Chapter 1 episode 3 : The new resident

Start from the beginning

She sighed and got on her knee letting him have his space. "Look bud. I won't lie to you it is kinda weird- not bad. Just weird to know that a little one like you will now be living with me here." She pauses and sits down which makes Ray stop being so glued to the bed. He actually sat on the bed in response. "But hey. I'm scared too you know?" At that statement confusion runs through the demon's big purple eyes. "What? You scared? But you are a knight." Akret chuckled a little bit. "Everyone fears something. Even knights. The difference between a knight and a normal person is that knights don't let their fears overtake them. Because they are so brave they look like they don't fear anything." For the first time Ray returns his gaze.

"Ok where were we? Oh, right. The promise I made to your friends means you just happened to find yourself a home. And someone who will take care of you. I can be whatever you feel like I am to you. A teacher, a friend, a caretaker or...a parent. I won't be against anything ok? Just know that since this day. If you have a problem with anything. At all. You can come to me. If you need anything. Come to me. And if you don't need anything. You can still come to me without any reason. Does that sound ok?" "That sounds pretty." He says tearing up and hiding his face. She chuckles a little more. "I hope so little man. Well- there is breakfast waiting so why don't we go together and after that I'll take you shopping. This room needs some adjustments now that you're here." She gets up and offers a hand.

He stands up too not believing any of what is happening. A home. Home was the word Ray used to hear ever since he could remember. His friends used to describe it as a safe place where noone gets hurt and nice people that care for you live. A cozy place with nice food and clean water. And parents. The people that love you and will do anything to make you happy. And now he had both.

He ran to Akret and grabbed her offering hand.


Akret tried to spend as much time with Ray as she could. She knew once she heals it will be difficult to just take a break to spend time with him. Despite both she and Ray set their mind on not growing onto one another, that mission was very unsuccessful. Ray was too moved to listen to his friend's advice to not trust her so easily and for Akret it was mother since the first day. They managed to have a lot of fun even when Akret used this time to do some postponed chores around the house. But the time has come and she was fully healed. It took around one month. And I'd say Ray adapted rather easily to his new life already forming a bond of trust.

The queen informed her about the mission she said she'll be needed for soon. It was a big one out of the country so she'll be away for some time. Akret didn't know much, but it will be her first time actually guarding the princess alone so she'll have to already be promoted to her bodyguard. The whole royal family is going to the land of their past enemies. To the land she fought against in war. The Sarsa's land. The king there has died and the queen didn't share his ideas of aggression so she stopped the madness and now after settling things to harmony she offered a deal. But to that Akret still has one day before setting off. So she decided to show Ray her favourite place. They went a little bit to the forest until they came around a big cave. Ray was hesitant, but Akret reassured him that it's only a short tunnel. He reflexively grabbed her hand he learned isn't dangerous over the time he spend with her.

"Akret I can't see anything..." She looked at the child who was clinging to her out of fear of falling somewhere. "Really? I thought demons have better night vision. Doesn't matter come here-" she picked him up as he was startled by what is happening. "I d-didnt mean it like that you can let me down I'm gonna be ok. I'm surely heavy" He panicked. "Naaaah. You're a twelve-year-old bud. Even when you're a little higher than others doesn't mean you're heavy. Actually- you're too light considering your height. I'll be really glad if you gain a little weight because eating at your age is important since you are growing. You already look healthier than when we first met so I'm glad for that, but you're still just bones. Gonna get some meat in there so you can grow strong ay?" He nodded and Akret could literally see how he suddenly started to enjoy being carried. He surely never experienced that before. Ray got cheated out of his childhood. So Akret was going to give him the best teen years she can pull off.

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