Chapter 1 Episode 1 : The found

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Akret was going so fast and so unnoticed one would say she jumped through the shadows. Which were long and full and everywhere. The whole place was dark and sticky.

She knew there was something fishy going on with that man. And it turned out that not only was he a sea slug selling illegal things such as weapons or potions that are forbidden. But Akret also found a whole room full of people's organs. They were kept in freezers patiently packed up so no infection could get to them. Just waiting for someone to buy them like some food.

She figured out he was the one selling it at that black market she helped take down. Even her sceptical suspicion about him being the head of running the whole black market proved right to her own surprise. But the queen didn't believe her fully, because he was one of their best weapon sellers.

Only if the queen listened to Akret's gut feeling she now wouldn't have to run around with sealed hands. It took any magic, enchants or powers one had. Yet she still managed to escape from the guard chain-handed.

She ran and ran, quiet as a mouse. But she didn't know where she was going. The underground was a complete maze. At some point she had to make an unexpected turn because of guards rushing opposite her as well as from the back. She shoved herself in the closest doors and locked it behind her listening through. Only when she heard the guards walking past the door did she turn to see more clearly where did she ended up. It was some tunnel that was going up. And since she was underground upwards seemed like the best choice she could get.

The tunnel was wide and more nicely lit with some unwanted plants growing their way around the floors and walls. And at the end were doors.

Akret thinking she's out of their view for a while took a breather sinking to the shattered, concrete floor. It had just a little darker color than her short fur. She had short black hair and bandaged for most of its long length, a black tail. Both messy despite the hair looking like it was neatly adjusted backwards before she got caught. Her whole arms and legs were marked with dark blue color.

After that she rose back up stumbling to the door at the end of the tunel.

She was tall with athletic body and her slim, long face had a scar across her right eye that had only a pupil. Her other eye was normal and deeply blue. She was wearing what was left of her uniform.

As soon as she stepped into the room she was more disgusted then when she found the organs.


She whispered in horror looking at all the cages with prize tags and illuminated boards with info. Most of them were asleep, but from one of the closest cages-

"Did you hear that?"

She looked to her right to see a child looking right at her neck. It seemed like the metal bars kept them from seeing outside. They were litteral inches away and Akret had to look down on his angry face. Yet he just turned away as if he didn't see her.

"Must have been my imagination"

He looked like a ram avatar because of the shape of his horns, face and fluffy hair. With doubled pair of arms that had black stripes slowly getting thinner as they went up and dark brown skin with paler spots. He had a weak vitiligo and markings. But the thing catching most attention were his bright lime eyes that stared into her soul not so long ago.

He sat down between two kids. First one just a little shorter than the ram boy and also seemed younger and scrawnier. He had sharp crimson hair and he looked like a demon avatar of some kind. Akret couldn't pay him more attention as she felt the door behind her opening. She should have been more careful.

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