Chapter 20

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This Chapter continues the crossover with Asbestos and the "Pilgrim"

No one's POV 

Matthew froze in place as he stared at these new anthros whom had just arrived on the base, and each one of them was wearing the patch that belonged to the base where he was basically tortured at. 

The patch was of a fox skull that had fire shooting out of the mouth and was in the center of a hexagon shape with a black background. Matthew just stared at the patch while memories of his time at the base flooded his mind. His lips quivered, whimpers escaped his mouth, and tears started to fill his eyes. 

But, on the other hand, the anthros around him looked completely shocked as they all held mixed emotions. On one hand, the wrecker squadron looked at these new anthros like they were about to kill them, and sad due to Matthew having to remember his past. But the Hotel team just looked at the young human with great confusion as to what this youngster said about their base torturing him.  

Jill was the first to move and stepped right behind Matthew and placed her front right leg down in front of the boy protectively pulling him closer to her and under her. 

Jill's POV 

Jill: "Stay back you monsters." She growled angrily. She then looked to the other human who looked at her terrified. "Come here human now before they hurt you." She said worried while reaching out to him. 

But the other human not knowing what to do quickly got behind the cobra and hugged her side. The cobra quickly brought her hand over the human and gently held him to her. 

Alice: "No he is staying with us and second off we never hurt or ever seen that boy before." She said sternly 

Finley: "And we would never harm a human, especially a child." 

Jill looked behind her and noticed that the rest of her squad had fanned out around the platform since they all minus her sister were titans. 

Willow: "Then prove it right now that you didn't harm Matthew." She said sternly 

No one's POV 

The Hotel team just quickly looked at each other trying to come up with something to say in their defense while the Wreckers glared at them intensely. 

Lily: "Alice, give us something right now or...." 

Just before she spoke out the other human bravely stepped out in front of Alice and the other girls which made all eyes look to him. 

???: " Look I know he may have been hurt by other anthros at their original base, but I swear that Alice and her team are good people and have only been nice to me even when I was stressing out they helped me, so please don't hurt them." He said in a begging tone. 

This of course caught everyone off guard as the human whom the Hotel team knew as Daniel spoke out and even to several titans whom he seemed greatly terrified of, and spoke out to them in a bold tone. He seemed to have the courage of a lion and held his ground though the anthros could see his legs shaking and could smell the fear coming off him. 

There was a moment of silence and the tension seemed to disappear and the anger of the Wrekers seemed to calm down as they realized that if this human was willing to  stand up for them in such a manner then the members of team Hotel must be telling the truth about not harming

After a moment Lily opened her mouth and said. 

Lily: "Alright I can see that you mean those words human, and I do believe that you all would never harm a human, so would you please accept our apology?" She asked kindly

Till We are OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ