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9.1 | Welcome Home

The gloomy weather covered the morning sky as rain tapped against their window pane. A sense of familiarity consumed Bricks as he watched Sai'Yanna sleep in his arms. The twins were with Kendra and Luka, they were the only two that actually knew Sai'Yanna was back, along with Gunz. He didn't want to spring her back onto to everyone so fast and she was content with that. Especially after everything she'd been through. The sounds of the rain soothed Bricks mental, he couldn't imagine half of the things she endured. He loved every inch of her and he wanted to show her that, he was going to wait on her hand and foot. It was her world, he was just a passenger on tour of it. He fell into a deep gaze as he stared at the ceiling, deep into his thoughts. "Nooooo", Sai'Yanna groaned in her sleep. He looked her over. "I said NOOOOOOOOO", she yelled out. Bricks began to shake her shoulder and as he did, he noticed that she was crying in her sleep. "Sai baby! I'm here, wake up ma!", he panted. "Leena pleaseee! Leave my baby's- " Bricks shook her until she opened her eyes. She stared him in the eyes with fear and agony. "I'm right here baby", he embraced her tightly as he kissed her forehead. Sai was breathing heavily as she laid her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around him. "Ian going no where ma. You hear me?" "I love you Benjamin." Her heart was pounding, the nightmare she was having felt too real, if it wasn't for Bricks she didn't think she'd wake up. BRRINGGGG-BRRRIINNGGGG! Bricks phone was vibrating from the night stand. He glanced at the caller ID, seeing Silks name. He grabbed his phone, excusing himself from the room. "I'll be right back baby." "Okay", she nodded. Bricks stepped out into the hallway, softly closing the door behind him. Sai'Yanna didnt think anything of it, she eased out of the bed and walked into the bathroom, thumbing through the medicine cabinet. She needed something to ease her nerves so she could sleep, since it had been hard for her to even get a full eight hours since she had been back in the states. Bags were beginning to show underneath her eyes and that wasn't her go to look. She read every bottle that sat int he cabinet, coming across a bottle of valium. She knew exactly what is and she didn't hesitate to pop the top open, dropping two into her hand. She closed the cabinet, looking herself over in the mirror. Sai'Yanna was unrecognizable , she didn't know who this woman was.

    Bricks hovered over the balcony railing as he spoke in a low tone to Silk. "Nigga I haven't heard from you since the day of the funeral. Everything good? Ya girl must had some very important shit to talk about that you had to lea-" "Nigga it ain't even like that. You know I love my girl to the moon and back man but yeah this shit was more important and soon everybody gone understand aight?" "Mhmmm, I hope you right bout that shit cause Sierra, Naomi and Reagan pissed the fuck off. You all they been talking bout, every phone call or link they talking foul shit", he ranted. Bricks scoffed, if only they knew. "Ian worried bout that shit, they women, I get it, they mad I left my girl funeral but when duty calls I gotta answered my nigga." "I feel you B but you gotta let me in on what's going on." Silk was practically begging, everyone wanted to know why all of a sudden out of everyone, Bricks was the one asked to leave abruptly. "Look you gotta be patient gimme, this aint some shit I can spring on everybody lightly. I'll call you tomorrow and we can go to lunch or some shit and talk it over." "You sure nigga?" "Yeah nigga, damn", they both laughed. "Aight, one nigga." "One." Bricks took a deep breath then rejoined Sai'Yanna in their bedroom. "Everything okay?" she asked, She couldn't lie the valium had her feeling at ease. She was higher than giraffe kitties swinging on a palm tree but she was trying her best to keep Bricks from noticing. "Yeah ma, everything good, just Reagan and Silk going at it and shit and he needed some advice", he lied. "What? They aight?" "I don't know baby. The nigga slipped up and he could be having a baby on the way", he'd rather spill Silk's dirty secret rather than tell her that he was keeping her a secret. "I know you lying B", she sat up, stunned. "I wish I was ma", he sighed, shaking his head. Sai'Yanna snuggled up underneath Bricks, wrapping her arms around his waist. He smiled as he ran his hand through her hair. Sai drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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