First Impressions - 7

Start from the beginning

The kids would drag him to places he wouldn't want to go, but he had no choice, he couldn't verbally say "no", after all. The kids would explore the nearby forest without the teachers knowing.

"This place is awesome!" One with webbed hands said. Another looked at a tree that had the letters ' BK MI DY BEST FRIENDS FOREVER ' messily written with some hearts scribbled around. Some burns also formed hearts on the trunk.

"Aww man! We were beaten here!" Another kid with more chubbyish legs and bunny ears grumbled and stomped their feet. "Who cares? It's ours now, right bubbles?"

Maka tried to say no by shaking his head, his skin making a slapping sound from how hard he shook. "Huh? Use your words!" The kids them laughed. Soon enough they walked and found a serene lake. It was abnormally clear.

"Woah! This is so cool!" "This was the best idea ever!"

Maka looked at the water carefully, the deep, blue, cold water ignoring the laughter behind him. However, as Maka was shivering, a kid had snuck up behind Maka and pushed him in. She laughed as Maka quickly sunk into the bottom of the lake, making no desperate attempt to get out of the water. Some kids went to get adult help as the others that were still there had laughed.

"He shouldn't have had that big ball!"

The lake was no longer still, but not for Maka thrashing in panic, he was still. It was because the water had begun to take shape, bubbling into something else.

You wanna know something, reader?
Maka admires your ability to make friends and gain their help in a battle. He wanted to be like you. Even if it happens I'm different means. He admires your strength, your persistence. And even if you deny it, you're still here, reading this. Right?

However, despite wanting to be like you, he couldn't make friends in his class, so he'll make friends with his first enemy. The thing that pulled him down to taint him into what he now is. The thing that took him too early.

The water had started to rise and take the form of a serpent head which shifted into a lizards to a dragons. And slowly, a wyvern had taken form and "roared". The kids had quickly broken into tears, which were then absorbed into the dragon, making it bigger. Sharper. The kids ran away to either find safety or find the teacher.

Maka stayed at the bottom as the wyvern took form, before it dove down and dragged him out of the water. Maka was gently placed on the ground coughing up bubbles as a teacher quickly ran up to him. "Are you alright, dear? I'm gonna need to call your mother." He shook his head and the wyvern shaped into the form of Nox.

"You want me to call.. your older sibling?" He nodded. "Alright, come with me for now, dear." The water Nox falls and turns into a puddle as Maka walks away, slowly rejoining into the lake.

He just wanted friends.


You and Izuku stared up at the massive door that even Amber was shorter than. "What kind of quips make somewhan thaht big?" Izuku shrugged as he looked at the door. "It's quirks, dear.." you perked your head up as you stared (down/up) at Izuku.

"What." "It's quirks."

Did he not catch himself..?

He did. He's currently screaming at himself.

You blinked, shrugged, and then opened the door. "Get your feet off the desk! That is vandalization of school property!" "Eh? You got a stick stuck in your ass or something?" "Ah! Such vile language!"

"What is happening." "I wish I could answer you, d- dear..? I wish I uhm- could." You looked at him again after he said it again. Curious. "Hey! It's the plain looking guy!" You did a spit take.

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