New You - 6

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You walked into Silvia and Nox's bedroom to find Silvia silently crying on the foot of her bed. Maka was sound asleep and clinging onto his patchie. "Silvia..?" You slowly and quietly call out to her.

She looks up at you, crystalized tears dissipating before they hit the floor. Her hands were cracked and so were the sides of her face.
Her hair seemed a little unkept, the opposite of how perfectly neat it always was 24/7, even in her sleep.

"I'm sorry you had to see me this way, gem." She apologized and wiped her eyes with her arm before standing up. "Nox remembered their sins." Your breath hitched. "They.." it's hard to remember your past. It's worse for lost souls.

Once you die, you don't remember what had happened in your life or the events that led you to become and angel or demon. You just know that you've made good or bad choices. For lost souls, it's almost like a computer's memory card was completely wiped. A save file that has been deleted forever.

It's up to you to retrace your steps and try again.

Silvia speaks up again, "they.. they said that the patchies... oh stars... they.. I'm sorry, gem. I couldn't stop them from leaving. I feel horrible! Having to remember your sins.. having to remember the human you once were.." her tail swayed as she struggles to form a sentence. Her hands would twitch and crack with each sudden jolt of movement.

Her horn glowed as she picked a tissue to wipe her eyes. "I don't know where they went. I could only guess and hope." You think back to how Nox left the house a minute before. You look out the window and see someone running in the distance. "I'll get them."

You quickly run downstairs and out the door to catch up to them. You forgot they would be faster. They were also farther away, giving them an advantage they honestly didn't need. For having an extra pair of arms, they're able to move their body fluidly.

You turn corners chasing after them. The corners gave them more distance. Using your wings to give you a small speed boost, you keep running after them.
Towards the beach.

You quickly run down the stairs and look around for them. "Nox! Are you there?" You slowly walk around the edge of the shoreline. Scanning the area, hearing the sounds of the waves crashing, shaking sand out of your shoes. You would hear seagull calls, even as the sun was starting to set. It almost distracted you in finding your older sibling.

You kept looking around and went towards some of the rocks and the corner of the beach and hear sniffling through the other various sounds. Nox!

"Nox..?" You call out and hear the sniffling quickly stop. Walking towards where you heard the sounds previously, you look around the rocks and see someone curled into themselves. It was Nox.

You carefully walk up to them. "Nox, are you okay?" You slowly asked as you had walked over to them, climbing and jumping between the rocks. The soft crashes of the waves filled your ears, but you only looked at them. Nox didn't look at you, not even a glance. "I don'... I don' think I.. never mind. Forget it." They looked up at you. "You should go home, ma' will be worried sick... don' wan' 'er burnin' the house down..."

You winced. Nox only talked like that when upset. But this wasn't their petty upset or angry upset. They were just... sad. Regretful, even. "Are you sure you don't–" "No I don' wanna fuckin' talk about it! Now go back home, Y/N'." They screamed, a Brooklyn accent thickening with each word.

They always deflected when someone was concerned about them. You asked them questions that they never answered, even if something bothered them.

It made you angry. Something was hurting them, eating at them. Their stitches have been more sloppy and less neat or playful as they usually were. And it's only gotten worse. You wanted answers.

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