Maka - 5

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Maka's name is so frustrating with autocorrect. No, I am not meaning "Mama" I meant what I typed.

Also as I am writing this chapter, the story has 69 reads.

Comments about what I wrote? 😈

After you had arrived home, Maka started to explore the house while dragging you, hand in hand, as to not be alone. When they saw something interesting, they would point to it as if to show you something that was just invented. It was like a kid who's in a museum for the first time or an aquarium.

However, the things he showed you were a bit odd.

The clocks, both digital and non digital.
The windows.
The wooden doors and only the wooden doors.
Basically the whole kitchen.
The couch. (Which honestly weirded you out the most. Like... did the kid only stand or..?)
Plush chairs. (And chairs I'm general. Again, did the kid only stand?)
Dolls (the patchies had let themselves be known and now a little dog was now Maka's new companion)

It made you more than just concerned. You were frightened. The kid seemed to look at everything like it was an item only found in fantasy. Then again, they crawled out of the water an hour ago so who the hell knows what the kid has seen.

It wasn't long before your siblings came back home, so you wanted the kid to be prepared for that. "Let's get you something to eat." You led Maka to the kitchen to get at least something for them, but.. "kid.. you're gonna have to let me go.." they gurgled out some bubbles while staring at you blankly.

"This is gonna be a whole thing, huh?" They opened their and bubbles came out. "Right.. can't talk.. how are we gonna.." you looked at the clock. It was almost time for your siblings to get home. "Like.. five minutes until they get back... wait- FIVE MINUTES!? No time to eat!" You grabbed the kid and started to quickly hover up the stairs in a panic and ignoring the fact you're dragging them up the stars due to the heavy weight of the ball.

"They don't know about you yet! And if they do.."

"Aww! So cute!" "I'll dress you up like a little doll!" Pop! "Uh oh.. I popped 'em.. welp. Nothing a little stitching can't solve~!" "Now you really ARE a doll~ we should play a little game of dress up!"

"I can't let that happen!"

They looked at you with a small tilt of their head and a few bubbles before being plopped onto your bed. You start to pace back and forth for a bit.

"What am I supposed to do!? I have to stop them, no duh, but how..? Tell them nothing is wrong? That never works. What works!? Like, I love my siblings, I do, but I don't know if they can handle a smaller and definitely younger child that also definitely has some form of PTSD." You eyed the ball and chain. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you ever again, whatever it was doesn't matter. I want to make your life safer. More warm. More-"

The popping of bubbles interrupted your thoughts as Maka was looking out the window. "Right.. don't know what windows are.. What do you see, Maka?" They look at you with a big smile and look out again. A little monarch butterfly sat on the window sill. Maka blinked when it flapped its wings a bit.

"Ah, that's called a butterfly." They looked at you and blew out a bubble with the shape of a question mark. "They're little creatures called insects! A lot can fly. Actually a majority can.. this butterfly is called a monarch."

Monarchs symbolize hope.. Maka's name is short for Makalo which also means hope..

"You and that butterfly seem to share something. Hope." You look out the window at the butterfly. But it flew away due to a lot of noise. Familiar noise.. oh so familiar

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