Eda starts pedaling. The rotors start transferring kinetic energy to the various components of the door. Luz looks at the door in amazement.

The pieces of the door then merges together to form a crooked portal door. The door opens, revealing not the Human Realm, but a separate, surreal dimension.

"It... worked!" Luz runs toward the door.
"Did it? That looks real different from the old door!"
"Yeah." Luz takes her cloak from Y/n.

"But this is my one chance to see my mom." Eda ties a rope on Luz's waist.

"If its closing well pull."
"Luz, as impressive as this is... I don't want you getting hurt."
"Once I make sure my mom is okay, I'll be right back."
"Just be careful. The Human Realm's filled with some real weirdos." Eda winks at Luz.

Luz hugs Eda, Y/n, King and Hooty tightly.
"Don't forget to mention me!"
Luz pulls away from the hug, turns around and walks towards the portal door.

Luz puts King down and walks toward the door, She stops in front of it, stares into the dimension, then jumps into it.

Luz floats up from a pool of water. Luz gasps, gets up and starts coughing. A strange cube-like object appears from the water and starts floating upwards. Luz watches this and gasps to see that there are multiple similar cubes floating around above.

"Did I... do something wrong? Eda? Y/n? King? Hooty? Can anyone hear me?"

A cube appears. It starts flashing and making a sound, grabbing Luz's attention. She walks over and holds it in her hands.

The cube starts shining brightly and turns white. When it's gone, Luz finds herself inside one of the Owl House's window as a reflection.

"Am I... back at the Owl House?"
Wind blows past, pushing open the window, scaring Luz.
"Whoa! Whoa, I think I'm... in the reflection!" Luz taps on the window.

Luz then notices Eda, Y/n, King and Hooty. The four are standing in front of the makeshift portal door.

"Do you think she's safe?"
"She's made it this far. We just have to trust her."
The window flashes, then Luz disappears. It returns back to the cube Luz is holding. It starts dimming and returns back to it's galaxy like form. Luz releases the cube and gasps.

"I wonder if I can see... Amity!"
A cube floats up as soon as Luz finishes speaking.
Luz realizes what she's doing. "Ah! Ugh! No, no, no!"

Luz pushes the cube down back into the water. "Come on, Luz, you're on a mission!" Luz squeezes in between her nose.

"Camila! Camila Noceda of the Human Realm?"
Luz looks up and notices a cube flashing.
"Got ya! Ice platform!"
Luz slaps a piece of paper with ice glyph on it but it doesn't work.

"Fine then! I'll do this the hard way!"
Luz jumps onto a cube floating upwards. The dimension suddenly rotates, causing Luz to fall down. The cube she was reaching for is now right in front of her. Luz reaches for it.

In Luz's house, Luz is a reflection inside her mom's cellphone.
"It's my house!"

Camila is seen dancing to the music while opening the fridge to take something, then closes it.
Camila continues dancing while humming.
"Oh yeah."

Camila takes a hand of bananas from the counter. A family picture is shown and we see a younger Luz, Camila and an unknown male whose face is obscured by reflection.

Luz has tears rolling down her cheeks. "Mo—"
"Mom? Do you need any help?"
Luz gasps, shocked by what she's seeing.
"Oh, are you done cleaning your room?"
"Almost! With all that old stuff gone, I feel like a whole new person."

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