☠️Forbidden Fruit☠️

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WARNINGS: Mentions of "Massacre" "Cannibals"

?s POV:

He leads me into the library of the place. No one said a word, and no one needed too. But everyone took notice of both him and I.

We walk up to Mrs V, we took the front of the room as she walked away to stand beside her people. He says, "My name is Langdon, hers is Dunne. We represent The Cooperative. I won't sugarcoat the situation. Humanity is on the brink of failure. Our arrival here was crucial to the survival of civilized life on Earth."

I say, "The three other compounds- in Syracuse, New York. Buckley, West Virginia, and San Angio, Texas have been overrun and destroyed."

Him, "We've had no contact from the six international outposts, but we're assuming that they, too, have been eliminated." Timothy, "What happened to the people inside?" I say, "Massacred. The same fate that will befall almost all of you."

Mallory asks, "Almost all?" Him, "In the knowledge that this very moment might occur, we built a fail safe. The Sanctuary." Coco asks confused, "The Sanctuary?"

Him, "The Sanctuary is unique. It has certain security measures that will prevent overrun" Mead, "Excuse me, sir, miss, What measures? Why weren't we given them?"

He holds up his palm, "That's classified. All that matters is that The Sanctuary will...survive, so the people populating it will survive, so humanity will survive."

Andre, "Who are the people who are populating it?" I look towards him, "Also classified." Him, "However, We have been sent to determine if any of you are worthy and fit to join us."

I say, "The Cooperative has developed a particular and rigorous questioning technique we like to call, "Cooperating." Him, "I will then use the information gained to determine if you belong." Coco asks, "What is this? The Hunger Games? This is bullshit! I paid my way in here, and that is the only cooperating I plan on doing."

Him, "You don't have to sit for questioning." Andre, "What happens if we choose not to?" I say, "Then you stay here and die." Gallant corrects his posture, "I volunteer to go first."

Him, "And so you shall. The process should only take us a couple of days, so you won't be kept in suspense forever. For those of you who don't make the cut, all is not lost."

I say, "If the worst should happen and feral cannibals come knocking, down one of these." I present them with his hands, who hold a vial, "One minute later, you fall asleep and never wake up. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you."

We walk out of the room, and everyone was just as silent as when we walked in.

Gallant sits in a seat in front of us, "So how's this work?" Him, "I'm not going to tell you what criteria I'm using to grade you. Things you may feel are helpful, may be hurtful. Things you may feel will compel rejection, may be exactly what I'm looking for."

Gallant asks, "So I can't game the system?" I say, "If you hedge, we will know." Him, "If you lie, we will know." I say, "If you try to trick us, we will know, and this interview will be over, and you will die here painfully. Are we clear?"

In that time, it took for Gallant to become very nervous. Him, "What is your sexual orientation?" Gallant, "I'm gay." I always suspected that he asked this question for personal suspicion, rather than as a test question.

Gallant adds, "But I fucked a girl before in high school, and I finished and everything. She did, too...I think." He looks over to me, "It's harder to tell with girls, but I'm just saying that I can do that. You know, for procreation if I have to."

Him, "We have techniques for harvesting genetic material. We still need a woman's womb to incubate the fetus for now- but your ability to impregnate some poor girl isn't needed." I sigh a breathe of relief, "Thank god."

He leans closer to Gallant, "Tell me about your anger. Tell me about your grandmother." Gallant asks, "Why would you put those two things together?" He took a deep breath as we remained silent, waiting for his response.

He confesses, "Okay. I hate her fucking guts" Him, "Good. Why?" Gallant admits to the pressure. The pressure we already knew that was on his shoulders, because of his grandmother, "Because she wants me to be the perfect gay: married, with a pair of Yorkies, and a collection of Wedgwood dishes."

I ask, "A eunuch?" He clarifies my claim, "A eunuch. That's not me at all. I'm not that old, but I'm old enough to remember when sucking dick was both a way to get off and as an act of political rebellion."

Him recognizes it, "She's shamed you. In the past" Gallant leans closer, "What do you know?" He stands up, "Maybe...I have a file that tells me all your secrets, or maybe I'm sensing something, or maybe I'm just fishing. Tell me who you really are."

Gallant, "Are you looking for some kind of confession?" Him, "I'm not a priest. I don't even know if I believe in God, I mean, if there was a God, why would he allow the Armageddon? The concept of sin does seem a bit antiquated. Rules for keeping the chaos at bay. No need for rules anymore: chaos has won."

Gallant looked mildly terrified, "Nana, she used to throw these bullshit suburban gay lunches. God, it was like the homo version of The Bachelor. Walter, who was a lawyer who represented Scarlett Johansson and had an affinity for pleated khakis."

Gallant, "Morris, who owned, like, 14 dogs. And Mario Vestri, who was a manager at Pottery Barn. Anyway, they were all dipshits. They hated her, but they pretended to like her crappy food and listen to her dumb stories, because they thought that if they hooked me, they would get their money when she died. She never told them that she donated everything to some cat charity in her will."

Gallant, "And that was the last time she ever tried to tame me" He asks, "So, you like leather?" Gallant, "I like a lot of things. Can I ask you something?" We awaited his question to Him, "Are you gay? Cause I'm getting a real major hit off on you."

He asks, "Does the idea of that excite you?" Gallant softly replies with a, "Yes. What are you going to do about it?" He smiles, as he takes my hand, we open the doors together, "Let's continue this conversation another time."

He allows me to put my hands on his shoulders. Gallant looks confused, "What? That's it?" He stands up, "How did I do? Did I get in?" We don't answer him.

At the end of the night, we walk in through the doors of the elevator to see that Gallant had murdered his grandmother. Good riddance, she was on my last nerve.

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