Chapter 50

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Going with Jungkook to the university was now a normal routine with sometimes me dropping him off and sometimes him.

Everyone had started working hard except a few bunch of students as the finals were approaching. Well, what if I tell those few students is our gang who would basically chatter in all boring classes

Unaware of the impending disaster. The teacher entered the classroom like every other day but what different was the announcement which claimed the exams to be in 3 weeks.

"Dayuum that's too short" I whispered to Jennie in horror.
"I think they told us too soon. Should have waited till 1 week was left" She whispered back sarcastically.

The next was the break. We all stood around the table. "Well guess who was I with during the first snow? " Taehyung asked.

"Who," We all said confused.
"Jisooya, I went to her for some notes but later as I was leaving the snowfall started" Taehyung stated making Jisoo blush a little as the whole group hooted.

"What about you all" Jimin asked while eating the sandwich.
"I and Jungkook were together too" I stated and the hooting started again.
"I was having food" Rose said.
"Me dancing"
"I was working sadly," Hobi and Wonho spoke.
"Feeling bad for Wonho," We all said laughing.
"Well, what about the finals? I still have one subject left" Wonho stated leaving all of us in grave shock.
"What the heck bro. One subject" We all said collectively.
"We should better start preparing from now," Jennie said.

"You guys haven't even started yet?" Wonho questioned confused followed by everyone having an awkward smile with a nod indicating NO.

"This weekend let's all group study and get familiar with the important topics and complete all of the notes left" Jisoo said.

The group study meeting was held at Wonho's apartment and went quite well for Jungkook's dad gave him a 2-3 week holiday to prepare for exams and the festival later.

I fiddled with the maths question paper nervously looking at the calculus problem unsure if its answer was right. Just then I glanced at Jennie and Hobi in the hope of answer but the best part. They were asking the same.

The time was over just then. The examiner took are answer sheet and we all sighed cause No matter how the finals went at least they were over.

And now it was time for the most awaited event "The Spring Festival".

"Dayum the schedule was the busiest. I couldn't even practice dance" Hoseok sighed.
"Seriously whole finals finished in a week" I replied.

"I am failing maths I swear," Jennie said more enthusiastically than expected.
"Woah you're happy about that" I chuckled.
"At least it's all over come on" Jennie replied hitting my shoulder playfully.

Just then
"Warr iss over" We heard Jisoo, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook and Wonhoo shout while coming out of the exam hall.

"What was the answer to question 4th?" I questioned both of the boys.
"2500" both replied.
"Wt the... I got 1" I replied in horror.

"Wait that was a definite integral. I think you forgot to put the value of x" Wonho explained.
"The value shit I forgot to put it " I stated with utter disappointment.

"Woww that's amazing," Wonho said with a sarcastic clap.
"Let's leave it. It's over somehow" I chuckled nervously.

An announcement was made for students to gather in the hall.

"This year the annual fest and Universities spring will be celebrated together. So you all can prepare for your items wherever you want but do submit your names to the supervisor" The announcement said and a way of joy was felt in the hall.

For the rest 4 weeks we all had a break except Taehyung and Jisoo. Being the winners of the competition last year, they were supposed to help in organizing. A week after the break the theme for the festival was announced. I, Jisoo, Jennie and Rose were going to perform together as a group. So we were practising for it.

As for Jungkook, he said it was a surprise but for how much I know he was gonna perform solo.

"Y/n wanna go shopping for the festival" Jungkook said driving a car in front of my house.

The last sequence before the main plot starts. Sorry, I got you all waiting for so long. Didn't I? 😅

Here's our half-century of the book a wholehearted thanks to everyone who read this book till here. I am sincerely grateful. I accept there were a lot of mistakes in the book but thanks for giving it a chance up until here 😘💜✨

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟎 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐡𝐡𝐡𝐡𝐡✨✨

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