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Today Shubman had somehow convinced me to come to the stadium while they practice cricket. The entire ICT along with a few other Indian cricketers were going to be there as well the New Zealand team with whom India had a match with a few weeks later. 'Pleaseee, I promise it'll be fun, I really want you to meet the other team members' he said and I just couldn't say no to him, 'I wanna come but you're gonna be practising and I'm gonna be all alone' I said.
'I know but I'll try my best to spend as much time as I can with you, I promise, so please come?' He asked again and I finally agreed, 'okay alright, where do I need to come?' I asked.
'Don't worry about that, I'll come pick you up, be ready by 9' he replied.

I got ready on time just before Shub came to pick me up. I decided to bring along some of my college books because my sem exams were coming up and I needed to study. So while shub practiced, I would sit in the stands and study.
'Ready to go?' Shub asked as he pulled into the driveway and opened the door for me.
'Uk what, I'd really like to wear your jersey sometime' I said.

'MY jersey? Like on you? Gill 77 on your back? Really? You want to wear it? I mean I would absolutely love it if you do, it's every sportsman's dream' he said, making me chuckle.
'Okay noted' I smiled.

I was completely starstruck as we started meeting the cricketers of ICT. Virat, Rohit, Shammi, names which I had seen on TV now in front of my eyes. It was crazy how kind and hospitable they were, they welcomed me like one of their own, along with Shubman's constant teasing. 'Bhabi ko impress karne ke liye yaha le aya hai na?' Virat smirked.
'Arre kya Bol rahe ho Virat bhai' Shub blushed.

The guys soon started practising and I took a seat on the sides and took out my books to try and study a little bit.
'People find the weirdest places to study' a male voice said from behind me. I looked back to see a handsome young man, probably Shub's age.
I sighed, 'well, you gotta do what you gotta do. You are?'
He came and sat down beside me and extended his hand for a handshake, 'Rachin Ravindra, I play for New Zealand' he said as I gave him my hand.
'Right, I was told that the New Zealand team would be here, I'm Olivia' I smiled.
'And what is such a pretty girl doing out here in the sun? That also studying?' He asked, letting go of my hand.
'Oh umm I'm friends with some of the people from the ICT' I lied, not sure if I was allowed to disclose that I was going to get married to Shubman to anyone else.
'And I am studying coz I'm in medical school and my exams are coming up' I explained.
'Beauty with brains huh' Rachin smirked.
'Do you flirt like this with every woman you meet?' I teased, smirking.
'No, only the special ones ma'am' he winked.
Rachin and I got talking and time passed away really quick, we talked about how his parents came to live in New Zealand and how he started playing cricket and I told him about my complete lack of knowledge of the sport.


I started off strong because I really wanted to impress Oli. With every 4 and 6 I would look at her and she would smile and clap and cheer for me. Every thing was going great. Until he came along. Rachin Ravindra. He was famous for flirting with every good looking woman he comes across, and somehow he had come across Olivia. I was quite far away from them so I couldn't understand what they were talking about but I saw him coming up to her and taking her hand - that bastard. I thought he'd go away after a while but he sat down beside her and they started talking, she wasn't even paying attention to the match anymore. I hated how he made her laugh and giggle. I was just waiting to get there and to rub it in his face that I'm her fiance.
'Okay boys, let's take a break, let's meet back here in 30?' Virat bhai said and I mentally thanked him. I quickly took off my gear and made my way towards Olivia who hadn't even noticed that we were taking a break.
'So can I get your number then, beautiful?' I heard Rachin say as he handed his phone to her. My jaw clenched. Beautiful? I mean yeah she was beautiful, very beautiful. But who on earth was he to call her that?!
'Oh umm I don't think if that's a good idea' she said as she pushed his phone away a little.
'Please! I insist' he said as he held her hand and shoved his phone into her hand. That little asshole. What did he think he was doing.
I hurried over and took the phone from her hand and shoved it into him again, 'I think she said no'
'Damn! Shubman! Haven't seen you in so long! How are you doing?' He said as he gave me a side hug, 'and this pretty girl here is Olivia, but don't try your chances on her, she's mine' that fucking bastard. I was barely holding on anymore, I just wanted to punch that shitty smirk right off his face.


I mentally facepalmed myself. Rachin was unknowingly saying stupid stuff in front of Shubman. I saw Shubman clench his jaw and fist his palm. It would cause a huge scandal if he broke into a fight with another player. I quickly put my hand around his, 'Shub, let's go inside na? You should take some rest, see you later Rachin' I awkwardly smiled to Rachin as I pulled Shubman to come inside with me.

We silently started walking towards the changing rooms. 'What was he saying to you?' Shub asked in an annoyed voice.

'Who Rachin? Uhh nothing much' I replied.
'He was flirting wasn't he?' He said.
'Yeah a little bit' I nervously said.
Shubman suddenly held me by my wrist and pulled me inside a small room and closed the door behind us. There were a few cartons kept at the back along with a few chairs but the room otherwise was mostly empty. From what I understood, Shub had just pulled me into a storeroom.
'Couldn't you tell him that I am your fiance? ' he asked as he cornered me against the wall.

'I uh didn't know if I was allowed to' I said, looking down at my feet, not being able to maintain eye contact with him.

He put a finger under my chin and lifted up my face, 'next time anyone tries to flirt with you, you either call me or you tell them who you belong with' he said.

'And who do I belong to? ' I bit my lip, trying my luck.
Only a second later, I felt his lips on mine. He kissed me in the most passionate and possesive way and pulled away for just a few seconds to say, 'Mine, you're all mine, only mine' before kissing me again.

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