A Fleeting Moment

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As I sat at the rehearsal dinner, I couldn't help but reflect on the whirlwind of the past few days. Alicia's wedding preparations had kept me busy, and Kelan had been a surprising source of comfort and support. Despite our history, he had proven to be a good ex-lover, always there to cheer me up and distract me from my problems.

The evening began with everyone present—my dad, Maria, Alicia, Kelan, Liam, and his aunt, Aunty Susan. Liam and Alicia took the stage, raising their glasses and toasting to a blissful wedding. Liam expressed his gratitude, thanking Kelan for his unwavering support and acknowledging my own role in helping out. I couldn't help but smile as his words warmed my heart.

Then, the room filled with emotion as Liam thanked Aunty Susan, expressing his deep love for her, and her response filled the room with laughter and warmth. Alicia took her turn to thank her parents and everyone who had contributed to the wedding, including a heartfelt appreciation for my support over the days. Her words took me by surprise, and I was touched by her genuine gratitude.

The moment was broken by my dad, Mr. Gilbert, who lightened the atmosphere with a reminder that tomorrow was a big day for Alicia and Liam. As the evening drew to a close, everyone made their way to their rooms, filled with anticipation for the big day.

As I stood in the quiet lobby, after everyone had retreated to their rooms, the commotion of the day's events subsiding, my mind wandered to Kelan, who had unexpectedly become my rock since I arrived for Alicia's wedding. It was as if he sensed my need for support and had stepped up without hesitation.

The stillness of the room weighed upon me as I mustered the courage to break it. "Thank you, Kelan," I whispered softly, unsure if he could even hear me. I watched as he sat nearby, gently sipping his wine, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Our eyes met, and in that moment, I could see the depth of his genuine kindness. "You don't have to thank me, Chloe. I'm just glad I could be here for you," he replied, his voice carrying warmth and sincerity.

Gratitude swelled within me, filling every corner of my heart. These past few days had been a whirlwind of emotions, yet amidst the chaos, Kelan's unwavering presence had brought me comfort and happiness.

A smile graced my lips as I continued, my gaze fixed upon him. "Kelan, you've made this entire experience worthwhile. Your support and constant presence have meant more to me than words can express," I confessed, my voice laced with sincerity.

His smile deepened, his eyes reflecting a mixture of fondness and longing. "Chloe, being here with you as a friend has been a privilege. I'm grateful for the connection we still share," he replied, his voice filled with a tinge of yearning.

In that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between us. We were drawn closer, our hands finding each other, fingers interlocking instinctively. The air crackled with tension as our faces inched closer, an undeniable desire resonating between us.

But before our lips could meet, a familiar voice shattered the fragile bubble that had formed around us. Lucas, my boyfriend, had arrived unexpectedly, and the reality of my commitments jolted me back to the present.

Startled, I quickly withdrew my hand from Kelan's, a mix of surprise and guilt flooding through me. I fumbled for words as Lucas approached, unaware of the charged atmosphere that had enveloped us.

Lucas greeted me with a wide smile, his eye shining in excitement. "There you are, Chloe! I've finally arrived to surprise you for Alicia's wedding", he exclaimed, his voice filled with joy and affection.

I forced a smile, my heart still racing from the electric moment with Kelan. As I introduced Kelan to Lucas as my boyfriend, and Lucas extended his hand for a handshake, which Kelan returned. 

As Lucas turned to face me, a whirlwind of emotions seemed to rush through me. Lucas, still unaware of the unspoken tension, asked me if I loved the surprise. Nervously, I nodded, bidding a quick goodnight to Kelan, who was left standing there, clearly taken aback.

Kelan nodded politely, his own emotions hidden behind a composed facade. "Good night, Chloe. Take care," he said, his voice laced with a hint of wistfulness.

As Lucas led me away from the lobby, our footsteps echoing in the quietness, I couldn't help but steal one last glance at Kelan. A mixture of longing and uncertainty filled my heart. Fate had intervened, reminding me of the promises I had made, but as I looked back, I couldn't help but wonder about the path not taken, if only for that fleeting moment.

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